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This is the official Facebook page of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).



This is the official Facebook page of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).

Item Reviews - 14



Stunning Afghanistan – A pilgrim walks past the shrine of Hazrat-Ali in Marzar-i-Sharif.


14 July 2018



A beautiful view of Afghanistan. Can you guess this location?


13 July 2018



Second senseless Jalalabad suicide attack in 48hrs claims at least 11 civilian lives as education dept deliberately targeted. UNAMA shares Afghans revulsion at the killings & pattern of attacks against education. Our thoughts are with families and Jalalabad citizens.


11 July 2018



It’s picnic time in Bamyan one of the serene provinces of Afghanistan and home to the first national Park.

Photo: Nasir Behzad twitter page


11 July 2018



UNAMA condemns yesterday’s suicide attack in busy Jalalabad neighborhood with at least 9 civilians among the 11 killed. Contemptible disregard for the lives of ordinary Afghans.


11 July 2018



Inclusive democratic processes enhance women’s participation say panellists

HERAT - The link between public trust and citizens’ participation in democratic and electoral processes was the focus of a series of television roundtables in the western province of Herat.

During a UN-backed discussion on Asia TV in Herat, panellists observed that democratic processes that are inclusive, independent and transparent enhance citizens’ participation, especially women’s involvement. Pane...llists underscored the responsibility of “all Afghans and stakeholders” and the need for deliberate and systematic measures to ensure that women, especially rural women, are included and not left behind in efforts to build peace and democracy in Afghanistan.

A women’s rights activists, Gulsom Sadiqqi, said that the views and participation of women, especially outside urban areas, should be actively sought. “The obstacles are there, but if we all play our part as communities and individuals to include women, we can achieve a lot,” said Sadiqqi, while describing her organisation’s advocacy and community campaign of canvassing in the provinces to bolster the participation of women in the public sphere. “We move around to inform communities on political rights, upcoming elections, development projects, but especially encouraging women to participate,” she said.

For Abdul Qadir Kamil, a political analyst, elections are a means and opportunity for Afghans, particularly women, to make their voices heard. “Everyone must grab this opportunity, especially women because this is a rare chance to raise their voices by choosing representatives who can address their interests,” said Kamil during a lively and interactive discussion.

During a recent visit to Herat earlier this year, the head of UNAMA, Tadamichi Yamamoto met with Herat Governor Mohammad Asef Rahimi and reiterated the support of the UN and the international community to Afghanistan’s electoral process and the full inclusion and participation of women.

The television series, supported UNAMA’s regional office in Herat, in partnership with Asia TV station in Herat are part of a countrywide outreach programme aimed at creating platforms using radio, television, and social media for Afghans to engage in dialogue and discuss critical issues affecting their communities.

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10 July 2018



Ghazal Festival - Herat City will be hosting a Ghazal Festival in August. Details will follow on how you can participate.


07 July 2018



A beautiful view of Afghanistan. Can you guess this location?


06 July 2018



Cricket is the number one most popular and loved game in Afghanistan with revealers watching the replays by any means available.

Photo: Keith Blackey FB page


04 July 2018



Security Council Press Statement on Terrorist Attack in Jalalabad, Afghanistan

The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the heinous and cowardly terrorist attack that took place in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, on 1 July, which resulted in at least 19 people killed and many wounded, for which the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) has claimed responsibility.

The members of the Security Council expressed their deepest sympathy and condole...nces to the families of the victims and to the Government of Afghanistan and they wished a speedy and full recovery to those who were injured.

The members of the Security Council reaffirmed that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security.

The members of the Security Council underlined the need to hold perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of these reprehensible acts of terrorism accountable and bring them to justice and urged all States, in accordance with their obligations under international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, to cooperate actively with the Government of Afghanistan and all other relevant authorities in this regard.

The members of the Security Council reiterated that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever committed. They reaffirmed the need for all States to combat by all means, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and other obligations under international law, including international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law, threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts.

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03 July 2018



UNAMA condemns recent attacks impacting civilians

KABUL, 2 July 2018 - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) condemns yesterday’s attack in Jalalabad that killed at least 19 civilians and expresses its concern about a recent spate of incidents in which civilians have been killed in attacks on schools and medical centres.

The majority of those killed in Jalalabad, when a suicide bomber detonated his improvised explosive device, belong to Afghanistan’s small Sikh and... Hindu community and were part of a delegation on its way to meet President Ashraf Ghani who was visiting the capital city of Nangarhar province. More than 20 others, including children, were injured in the blast. “The architects of this appalling crime must be brought to justice,” said Ingrid Hayden, the Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan.

Elsewhere in Nangarhar, in the Khogyani district, three civilian night watchmen were killed, at least two of them beheaded, and a school torched on Saturday in the latest instance of an Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) campaign against schools and educational workers. Today, one of several missiles fired into Jalalabad hit the Najmuljihad high school with other projectiles landing nearby. There were no reports of casualties.

UNAMA is also concerned by recent incidents impacting health facilities; on 25 June a mortar hit the Andar district hospital in Ghazni province killing a doctor and a vaccination worker, and on 1 July, in the northern province of Faryab, three civilians, including a woman and child, were killed and several other civilians, mainly women and children, were injured in an Afghan National Army helicopter attack in the Pashtun Kot district. The attack allegedly targeted Taliban combatants at a health clinic where civilian patients were also receiving treatment.

The United Nations stresses that all parties to the conflict must at all times uphold their obligations to protect civilians and reiterates its call to immediately cease targeting civilians and civilian objects, including schools and health facilities, in compliance with the international humanitarian law.

The United Nations in Afghanistan expresses its condolences to the loved ones of those killed and wishes a full and speedy recovery to the injured.

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02 July 2018



Media freedom promotes openness, human rights and a culture of peace

Media freedom and the role the media plays in fostering peace, promoting human rights and accountability was the focus of a recent UN-backed radio series in southern Afghanistan.

During two radio discussions in Zabul and Nimroz provinces, panellists called for greater media freedoms including freedom of expression and access to information which they argued was critical in promoting human rights, peace,, and accountability. The panellists further underscored the need for a more conducive environment in which media are free to inform citizens on national issues, as well as guard against human rights violations.

Speaking on Radio in Nimroz, the Head of Journalists’ Protection Committee in the province, Ghulam Sakhi Ahmadi, said the media serves to promote dialogue, tolerance, and interaction among communities and by extension avert conflicts. “The media in Nimroz continues to highlight and generate discussions on local peace efforts, human rights, and good governance,” said Ahmadi.

In a similar programme on Shaikh Mati Radio in Zabul, the provincial Governor’s Spokesperson, Gul Islam Siyal, called on media and policymakers to work together. “The local government is always ready to provide first-hand information to the media to facilitate their work of informing the citizens,” he said.

Supported by UNAMA’s regional office in Kandahar, the 16-part radio series in partnership with Burna and Shaikh Mati radio stations is part of a countrywide outreach programme to create platforms using radio, television, and social media for Afghans to engage in dialogue and discuss critical issues affecting their communities.

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01 July 2018



Sharifa Ahmadzai, deputy head of the Carpet Weavers Association in Nangarhar eastern zone of the county, has helped create jobs for over 3,000 women including 60 men.

Credit: Pajhwok


30 June 2018



A beautiful view of Afghanistan. Can you guess this location?


29 June 2018

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