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Antigua Fly Fishing & Light Tackle Charters


About Antigua Fly Fishing & Light Tackle Charters

Fishing Guide Service specializing in Fly Fishing and Light Tackle Spin Fishing Charters in and around Antigua, West Indies



Fishing Guide Service specializing in Fly Fishing and Light Tackle Spin Fishing Charters in and around Antigua, West Indies


Item Reviews - 28





19 December 2023



Some smashing bonefish for Hunter today!

Following up after his first tarpon from the float tubes on his last visit out in Antigua...... We started the day chasing snook (literally) - and were so unfortunate not to get more shots on several large beasties cruising the beach once the cast started firing consistently!! As things slowed down - and High Water approached, a change of tack was in order - and whilst quietly poling a shallow mangrove studded flat... - and we spied a group of 3 bonefish tailing in the shallows!

We snuck in silently on 'Tarponator'..... - Hunter made a great cast. 3 strips.... GAME ON!!

Not bad for his first!! Survived a backlash..... Then an encounter with a lemon shark that tried it's best to eat the bone on the way in. Fortunately no damage sustained Handled it like a champ. πŸ‘ŠπŸ˜Ž

Hunter took another bone later in the afternoon on a deeper flat casting to a group of mudding fish. Matt stepped in to save the day - before the tangle went up the guides!! And a second smaller bone was successfully landed.

Here's to tomorrow.... AND the next day!!

#Antigua #bonefish #snook #saltwaterflyfishing #antiguaflyfishing #caribbeanflatsfishingdestinations #fishingvacations #Tarponator #HuntersBonefish

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18 December 2023



Priceless insight when hunting the flats Universe Boss! 😎 #barracudaonfly #antiguaflyfishing


02 December 2023



It's been a LONG road to get to this moment....

2 (spin) anglers - Ben and Andy - onboard fishing together..... (FINALLY!) - AND a solid snook..... IN the boat!!


Proud to welcome my new Eduardono Corvina 180 'panga style' flats skiff...... with 40hp Yamaha 4 stroke outboard. "TARPONATOR" Now we are REALLY going places!!

And once you've fished here - YOU'LL BE BACK...!! πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‰

Come on down and check out the possibilities!!

#nowtwocanplayatthatgame #antigua #antigualighttacklefishing #antiguaflyfishing #antiguafishingguide #caribbeanflyfishing #captainantiguanick #saltwaterflyfishing #tarponfishing #bonefishing #permitfishing #snookfishing #grandslamflyfishing #superslampotential #eduardonoboats #outdoorworldantigua #yamahaoutboards #tforods #sageflyfishing #nautilusreels

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17 November 2023



Fascinating stuff to know about the REAL pros at catching fish.... πŸ€“πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘


27 October 2023



Really great insight for those wishing to chase Silver Kings in the backcountry.....


25 July 2023



Making some nice tight loops into a fairly stiff breeze this afternoon (if I do say so myself!)....

- AND was suitably rewarded with a 'momentary' hookup to a permit!


I was unable to get a proper set however - as it charged towards me when it felt the fly! (You can just about see the bow wave as it took off and I make a very dodgy looking strike/ swat maneuver!!)

Next cast ANOTHER permit follows the same fly all the way to the rod tip!!

That must mean it'll 'definitely' happen tomorrow then!!

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18 July 2023



Great day fishing with Josh on his first daylight flats trip!

Fantastic conditions meant we could see 'for days'.... - and as the tide began to rise we spotted small groups of good sized bones working along the shoreline flats.


(Several were working in close proximity to stingrays...)

On his FIRST day of fly fishing Josh picked up the casting very quickly and made some great shots and was unlucky not to hook up to a couple of really good bones or a nice size mutton snapper.....

But he did open his 'bonefish account' and get a taste of their astonishing power with a scrappy little dude of about 1lb - before kindly handing me the rod.

In consecutive casts I managed to hook and land these 2 'serious' bonefish!! Absolute stunners of 22" and 24" respectively......

A really memorable first runoff from the second fish particularly - resulted in 50+ yds of backing flying out at high speed before the bone finally ran out of gas.....

We slowly motored around the lee shore and rolled up on a pod of a dozen or so baby tarpon - floating just outside a shoreside color change.

A couple of casts with a black/purple bunny was met with interest but no real aggression. I quickly changed to a chartreuse and white clouser.... - and we were ON!!

Repeated bites and hook ups for the next half hour or so eventually saw a further 3 baby tarpon leadered and released in the water at boat side - as well as a couple of mangrove snapper and the ubiquitous barracuda!

Great day, great vibe. Here's to MANY more days like this!!! πŸ˜ŽπŸ€™

#antigua #antiguaflyfishing #bonefish #bonefishing #tarpon #tarponfishing #saltwaterflyfishing #captnickwilliams

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14 July 2023



ALWAYS retrieve right up to the boat side.....! ALWAYS BE READY!!! πŸ˜‰


31 May 2023



This fine tarpon hammered a chartreuse toad - on just the 3rd cast of Peter's recent 'night sight' fishing trip, here in Antigua .

We hooked perhaps a dozen tarpon in all up to perhaps 50lbs throughout the course of the entire night....


- but as usual, MOST managed to 'detach' themselves.... 😁

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16 May 2023



As a cloud front moved in and all wind stopped for a couple of hours mid morning the Antigua tarpon put on a real show for Giorgio visiting us from Italy..... With gulls working low over the water - rolling fish were in evidence all around. Bites came from the very first cast.... - however a few tarpon teething problems were faced when it came to settling the hook! Within the hour it all came together and he landed this fine fish.... his first of the species!... Welcome to the club my friend!! πŸ˜ŽπŸ€™

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09 May 2023



MAY could have signalled the 'changing of the guard' here in Antigua......

Move over snook.... Here come the TARPON!!

After 2 weeks or more of clients getting (AGONIZINGLY) close... hooking up with some 'better' size tarpon...... 😐


- Pete, from California - landed this beauty - and his first ever tarpon - on just his 3rd cast of the morning(!) - fishing an intermediate line as we slowly drifted a weed line/ color change in an 8-10ft deep 'ocean side' bay.

Without much time to 'get his head in the game' - Pete did extremely well to get his 'bows' in and remain connected to this beautiful silver king!!

(He got 2 more later in the day.....) πŸ˜ŽπŸ€™

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01 May 2023



#antigua #bonefish #saltwaterflyfishing #captnickwilliams


25 April 2023



Crazy day out fishing with Craig on light spinning gear.

Good casting close to structure saw action throughout the day with blue runners, tarpon, his first #bonefish, near misses with BIG barracuda and snapper, before running into double trouble with two large tailwalking, near treble straightening #snook...... And even a cero mackerel on the way home!!


Most action was whilst fishing top water 'walk the dog' style lures with often explosive takes and intense close quarter battles to try to keep fish out of the mangrove roots. 😎

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14 December 2023



Rich from the UK on his first #saltwaterflyfishing trip - getting stuck into some of the EIGHT #tarpon.... - he landed from bays and mangroves during his 2 days of #Caribbean #flatsfishing in #Antigua 😎


11 December 2023



First time fly fishing in saltwater.... - and within an hour Jonny nails his first BONEFISH!! #bonefish #saltwaterflyfishing #antigua #caribbeanflatsfishing 😎


09 December 2023



When it ALL goes RIGHT..... - and the boat is swarmed by feeding #bonefish!

And you FINALLY make the cast you hope for..... - JUST how quickly it can still go WRONG!!! #shithappens


#beprepared #saltwaterflyfishing #Antigua

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07 October 2023



Wanna catch more barracudas on fly? (.... well somebody might!) Read this article.... Priceless insight - from the Maestro himself!


26 September 2023



Cracking #bonefish for Joe from the UK..... - just before Isaac came through !! #Antigua #saltwaterflyfishing #captnickwilliams


13 September 2023



2 hungry bonefish and a couple of aggressive baby tarpon for Seth from Atlanta..... - making his "career slam" here in Antigua (to go with the permit he caught last time out.) We did have several difficult shots on permit this time too but we got no love sadly from the black finned devils!

Unfortunately he also released 2 much larger tarpon 'prematurely'..... but hey - that's fishing! 😎


#bonefish #tarpon #permit #saltwaterflyfishing #antigua #caribbean #flatsfishing #catchandrelease #grandslamdestination

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27 June 2023



Check out how easy it is to lose a 50lb plus tarpon that has been on the line for over half an hour.....

Angler momentarily traps line with left hand when grabbing the rod.

He instantly realises his mistake and lets the line go.... ... - but the elasticity in the stretched line recoiling catapults the hook out of its mouth!! PING!!!!


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27 June 2023



A first taste of saltwater fly for Jeff from Ohio produces some nice bonefish of various sizes - AND..... a few BIG ONES that got away! (Such a generous guy..... he even let me catch one!!) 😎 #bonefish #bonefishing #saltwaterflyfishing #Antigua #Caribbean #catchandrelease #flatsfishing #gamefishing #fishingdestination


21 June 2023



Hooked up in Paradise!!

PROPER line ripping, water sizzling, reel screaming action - fishing Antigua's pristine flats today.....!


Dragged deep into the backing connected to one of Antigua's hefty bonefish.... - Brett managed to land this guy just after he had lost a double figure permit..... 😲 (broke during the run off when line tangled before getting it to the reel!! PING!! 😭)

AND..... he jumped 2 tarpon...... (lifting instead of bowing when fish jumps).....

Grand Slam almost within reach once again!! C'est MA vie!

Tight lines people!! (But ALWAYS remember bow to the king!!) 😎

#bonefish #bonefishing #paradise #saltwaterflyfishing #Antigua #Caribbean #catchandrelease #flatsfishing #grandslampotential #flyfishingdestination #captainnickwilliams #flyfishingcharter #lighttackleguide

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15 June 2023



About to leader a nice tarpon for Jim from NY 😎 #tarpon #saltwater #flyfishing #antigua #caribbean #catchandrelease #flatsfishing


10 June 2023



That moment when you realize that you are indeed connected to a prehistoric giant.....

The same moment that giant has decided that it is heading BACK to ocean!


... #tarpon #tarponfishing #saltwaterflyfishing #lighttacklefishing #catchandrelease #keepemwet #antigua #caribbean #fishingdestination

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05 May 2023



baby tarpon action along the mangroves 😎 #tarpon #mangrovefishing #saltwater #flyfishing #lighttacklefishing #antigua #caribbean #fishingdestination


04 May 2023



Some nice tarpon working the weed lines at the moment 😎 #tarpon #saltwater #flyfishing #antigua #fishing #caribbean #lovethatsargassumweed


03 May 2023



See the fish...... Hook the fish! Love this sequence!! Fishing the mangroves in Antigua for tarpon #tarpon #fishing #videos #antigua #caribbean #saltwater #flyfishing #fishingdestination #sportfishing


28 April 2023

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