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IFAU - International Forum for Architecture and Urbanism


About IFAU - International Forum for Architecture and Urbanism

IFAU -International Forum on Architecture and Urbanism aims to bring together leading academic scientists and researchers to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Architecture, Urbanism and Cultural Heritage


Item Reviews - 12





Lorenzo Pignatti is Full Professor of Architectural Design at the Dipartimento di Architettura– University “G. D’Annunzio” in Pescara (Italy) where he is Academic Coordinator of Studies, Responsible for the International Relations and Erasmus Coordinator.


He has been involved in various international academic exchanges and research projects between Italy and East-Adriatic countries, where he has promoted a large number of research projects, cultural initiatives, conferences and exhibitions. He was responsible for the IFAU2018 conference in Pescara in 2018. Most of this work has been published in monographs and articles in various magazines, including Domus, Piano Progetto Città, and EcoWebTown.

He has been working in developing joint research projects within the Euro-Adriatic Region together with other Universities in Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, an Greece. All these experiences are related to the definition of new urban design strategies for vacant sites, where cultural programs could be effective in their regeneration. Some of this work has been published in “Transforming the Landscape: Il progetto di trasformazione nei luoghi della produzione” (Gangemi, 2011), “Projects Along the Coast Line: Adriatic Identities” (List Lab, 2014) and ”Sguardi Incrociati/Crossing Sightlines Atlas of the Adriatic” (Aracne 2017).

More recently he has published “Modernità dei Balcani.da Le Corbusier a Tito” (Lettera Ventidue, 2019) and “Sarajevo. An Account of a City” (Lettera Ventidue 2019).

His architectural practice is centred on the role of public space within urban contexts. He has developed several projects for public spaces, including the design of Piazza San Cosimato in the old centre of Rome.

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14 November 2019





Professor MEUNIER has been teaching as Professor of Physics and Industrial Research Projects at ESTP-Paris (France) since 2007. He fertilises theoretical physical knowledge with Field Applications in the Civil engineering, Building and Architecture, tutoring students at Master levels opening new challenge in each field. Along with his career, Pr. MEUNIER filed more than 250 International Patents in the Hi-Tech industry, wrote numer...ous Publications within famous International Physics reviews (APL, EL, JAP, Magnetic TL…). He was assigned a former expert for selection EU projects during Research Lab career at LCR Orsay France, and Innovation officer at Multinational companies for 13 years. He is part of the ESTP team which has been nurturing the cooperation with UPT for the last eight years with the support of the French embassy in Tirana.

He holds a Science PhD from Paris-Est Faculty and is graduated from SUPELEC University. His experience in the highly competitive Industry crossed with Academic knowledge position him as an actor for innovative turn-key solution projects in Building Industry among Urbanism and Architecture.

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12 November 2019





MA Architect, PhD in Urbanism, as research fellow at Università IUAV di Venezia, I have been responsible for the developing the Landscape Observatory on the Po River Delta Region; IUAV coordinator of the ERASMUS+ Capacity Building project: “KLABS - Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments”; he currently coordinating the project URPLOT - Urban Planning Orientation and Tutorship, financed by th...e Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. His main research interests concern the environmental impacts of dispersed urbanization, focusing on emerging urban/landscape scenarios based on vulnerability reduction. In this respect, it is worth mentioning the research “Veneto 2100 - Living with water” selected for the 5th International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam - 2012. Mr. Anguillari worked to several large scale plans and projects including the Structural Plan of Ferrara; the Development plan for Les Hauts de Rouen; the Planning Programme for the Po di Levante - Canal Bianco River; the City Plan of Roncegno Terme. His professional and research activity has always been supported by a constant interest in teaching. I have been adjunct professor in Urban Planning Theories and Models at the Università di Camerino; in Urban and Landscape Design at the Università IUAV di Venezia and at the Università di Firenze. I have also led several international workshops and EU-LLP Erasmus Intensive Programmes. He regularly lectures in academic and professional fields and I have published essays and articles in books and journals both nationally and internationally. Among others: Anguillari E. (Ed.), Back to the land - Ritornare alla terra. Anteferma Edizioni, Treviso, 2019; Anguillari E., Dimitrijevic B. (Eds.), Integrated Urban Planning. Directions, Resources, Territories. TU-Delft Open, Delft, 2018; Anguillari E., Fikfak A., Konjar M., Kosanovic S. (Eds.), Sustainability and Resilience. Socio-spatialperspective, TU-Delft Open, Delft, 2018.

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09 November 2019





Full Professor of Spatial Planning, Dept. of Architecture, University of Florence. He is Deputy Director of the Department and Coordinator of the PhD Program in Architecture. Academic of Honor at the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno of Florence.


He is professor under contract at the Catholic University (UNZKM) in Tirana. Member of the INU (National Institute of Urban and Regional Planning) national boad, in Rome, from May 2011 to May 2016 he has been General Secretery of the Institute, and now he is President of the INU Edizioni, Inu’s publisher company.

He has studied Urban and Regional Planning at the University Institute of Architecture of Venice and Planning studies at the London School of Economics.

He always carried out his research in the Academy, integrating it with scientific advice and operational trials carried out overwhelmingly on behalf of regional and local governments or agencies.

The main fields of research are directed to the study of forms and methods of construction of public decision, Government control and monitoring of spatial transformations.

His research interests in recent years have focused on three main issues: how do we adapt current spatial planning, in its regional and local practices, using a cooperative governance approach?; how to defend the historical identity of the European City in the globalization era and free movement of capital and people? Is a Coding Forma Urbis still useful in the anthropocene era?

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06 November 2019





Full Professor of Urbanism and of Architectural Design, University of Trento.


Emeritus of the Italian Republic for Art and Culture (since 2003).

Fulbright Scholar at GSD, Harvard University, USA, (1996-97). Visiting Professor at U-Moderna Lisboa (2006-2007), at Technische Universitat of Munich (2008-2009), at IAAC, Barcelona, Spain (2015) and at MAUD U-Patras, Athens (2018). Member of the Villard International Doctorate.

Curator for Urbanism and Landscape, Recycle exhibition MAXXI Museum Rome, 2011-2012.

Selected books: Habitat 5.0 (Skira, 2019), New Paradigms (List, 2012), UniverCity (List 2010), iSpace (Meltemi, 2008), RISCHIOPAESAGGIO (Meltemi, 2003).

His projects got prizes in several international competitions and participated in the Venice Biennale (1996, 2012). His Ghella Headquarters in Rome was European Solar Prize (2015.)

Member of the Jury of the XX Biennal of Arquitectura de Chile (2017) and of the Montenegro Pavillon, Venice Biennale (2018).

Accademia dei Lincei (Italian National Academy of Sciences) invited scholar (2019-2022)

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03 November 2019



New Bazar, Tirana


01 November 2019



Stephansplatz, Vienna

Stephansplatz, ViennaTranslated "

19 October 2019



Modernisation in the era of globalisation


13 October 2019




Responding to numerous requests from Authors of accepted abstract papers/posters we have to communicate that:

Extended Deadline of Final Paper/Posters October 10th, 2019


Notification of Acceptance Final Papers and Posters October 25th, 2019

Registration Deadline October 28th, 2019

Payment of Registration Fees October 28th, 2019

Forum Dates November 21st- 23rd, 2019

Paper Submission for Publication December 20th, 2019

Submit your final Paper/Poster, to the secretariat of IFAU 2019:


More than 200 abstract papers of researchers from Universities and Institutions all over the world (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Kosovo, Poland, Spain, Slovenia, Serbia, Northern Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Turkey, Russia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Nigeria, Tunisia, India, Ecuador, etc.) have been accepted for participation in this important international event.

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29 September 2019





Professor, Hochschule Anhalt, Abbot Bernburg, Germany


German scientist, architect BDA, city planner, tourism expert and expert for urban waterfront planning and marina design, nautical tourism and amphibic/floating structures. Since 1993 full Professor at the University of Anhalt, Abbot Bernburg, Germany. Chairman of the research group of nautical tourism. He has been Visiting Professor at the Politecnico di Milano, the University of Pescara, and University La Sapienza, Roma.

He authored different publication like “Tourismus Architektur München 2017”; “Neue Wege für künftigen Hochwasserschutz, in: Stadt und Gemeinde, Heft 7/8 2013 Bonn 2013”; “Stadt am Wasser, Neue Chancen für Kommunen und Tourismus, Frankfurt/M. 2005”; “Wassertourismus, Handbuch und Leitfaden zur Entwicklung wassertouristischer Angebote, Gerlingen 20112″; ” StadtWasser Wasserkonzepte für die Stadtgestaltung, Stuttgart 2010″. Professor Haass is President and CEO of DEUTSCHE MARINA CONSULT, Hannover/Germany, Expert and Vicepresident of Internationale Bootsexpertene.V, Chair of PIANC WG 183. Research interests: water-oriented urban development, Tourism architecture Urban Design.

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25 August 2019




Prof. Arch. Marco Casamonti

Marco Casamonti graduated in 1990 from the University of Florence, and in 2001 became Ordinary Professor in Architectural and Urban Design at the Architecture Faculty of the University of Genoa. He carried out intensive research and critical analysis on architecture themes, publishing essays and papers and holding conferences and lectures. Since 1997, he has been the editor-in-chief of the international architecture Area published by Tecniche Nuove Group. In 1988, he founded Studio Archea together with Laura Andreini and Giovanni Polazzi, to whom was added Silvia Fabi in 1999.

Founded in 1988 by Laura Andreini, Marco Casamonti and Giovanni Polazzi, to whom was added Silvia Fabi in 1999, Archea is now a network about 120 architects coming from different regions and worldwide universities who operate from the six different offices in Florence, Milan, Rome, Beijing, Dubai and São Paulo. The group's interests and research activities range from landscapes to cities, from buildings to design, and despite being focussed on architecture, the projects cover graphics and publishing, exhibitions and events. The complementarity and scaling from assessment to building site allows integrated operations which are able to intervene in the different types of components of the projects.

In addition to their research in the field of design, each founding partner has a parallel activity at the Architecture faculties of Florence and Genoa. The most important projects include: the Public Library in Nembro (Bergamo); the new Cantina Antinori in San Casciano Val di Pesa (Florence); the UBPA B3-2 Pavilion at World Expo 2010; GEL, Green Energy Laboratory, in Shanghai, the enlargement and renovation of the Perfetti Van Melle site in Lainate near Milan, the CDD Center for Disabilities in Seregno (Milan), the Yanqing Expo Grape near Beijing, the Li Ling World Ceramic Art City in China, the Colle Loreto residential complex in Lugano, Switzerland and the renovation and transformation of the former Magazzino Vini in Trieste where Eataly is hosted. Under construction among others, are the Forevregreen Tower and the Albanian Stadium of soccer game both in Tirana, Albania; Changri-La Winery in Penglai (China).

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07 August 2019



Peper structure


24 July 2019

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