About 50 Plus Books
Our books are a guide to rethink what retirement is all about. They spell out some of the challenges and great opportunities that retirement offers.
From the founder, Paul McKeon.
Finally realised in my sixties how little one knows about so many things. I thought it highly inefficient that we all spend our lives trying to develop some wisdom and when we get to finally achieving this aim we generally die. I thought it would be a good idea to produce some informative books on life in our fifties, sixties and seventies so people didn't have to figure everything out for themselves.
My company, Baby Boomers Life Change P/L published 4 books and a Retirement planner which have now been rebranded and the company relaunched as 50Plus Books or www.retirementbooks.com.au.
We work primarily with innovative superannuation companies that realise that there's more to retirement than good money management and wish to assist their members to better handle the important lifestyle challenges that retirement generally brings. A number of super funds are now using our material and report a very positive response from their members.