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About DFC Aruba

Dynamic Fitness Center was established with the sole purpose to help the customer reach his/her goal of a better and healthier lifestyle by means of exercise and a healthy diet.



Item Reviews - 9



Probecha di nos oferta special pa e luna di juli pa nos miembronan existente. Bin cu un persona pa bira miembro, y hanja bo next luna na AWG 45.=!!! Esaki lo ta valido pa e luna di Juli. Pa mas info puntra na bali serca un di nos representantenan.

Probecha di us special offer pa e luna di juli pa nos membronan existing. Bin with a person pa bira member, and hanja bo next moon na AWG 45.=!!! Esaki is worth it for the moon of Juli. For more info puntra na bali close to a di representing us.Translated "

01 July 2023



Despues di un periodo largo cu nos tabata sera pa motibo di Covid-19 nos ta mas cu contento pa anuncia cu nos lo habri bek dialuna awor 25 di mei for di 6or am. Nos a tende hopi e palabra "New Normal" y pa nos esey no ta excepcion. Please tuma nota di e reglanan nobo cu lo ta den efecto cuminsando dia 25 di mei.


23 May 2023



Yes! Finally, we have good news for all our members! We got the ok to open. We will be back in business on the 25th. Be pending for opening times and new rules. 💪🏾


21 May 2023



Even though we are going through a very difficult situation, the love for our island still remains. Feliz dia di Himno y Bandera Aruba. This too shall pass.


18 March 2023



Due to the carnaval activities tonight 15 februari 2020 we will closed. We will be open back tomorrow sunday 16th at 10:00am


15 February 2023



It seems that there are someone or some people that have decided to make it their personal business to close down ours. They are calling radio stations and sending pictures trying to defame us, and even doing really unsanitary and nasty things in our bathrooms. We don't know who is behind such a low attack. If it's something personal or a competitor, but we have respected all competitors and clients or ex-clients. Whoever is doing this or whatever your/their agenda is, you are not going to succeed. Our client base knows their gym and know how we run our business. This might hurt us in getting new clients, but I hope that they are objective enough to come and see for themselves that all that is being spilled around are nothing but lies!


12 February 2023



Don't let it be just another resolution. Make it happen! Mention the word "resolution" at our counter and receive a 30% discount on your 1st month. NOTE: Only applicable for new members!


02 January 2023



There are rumours going around spread by people who don't have our best interest at heart that we will be closing soon. This is all fake news in an attempt to discredit us and hurt our image. We are still going strong, and will remain going strong for the time being. If we ever decide to close, you will hear it officially from us, and not via word of mouth. So to our current members and future ones, we will be here to keep offering you the best service we can. And be pending for great things to come! 💪🏾


27 November 2023



Nos kier informa nos clientenan cu awe September 7, nos lo ta sera dor cu no tin coriente. Nos ta disculpa nos mes y lo ta habri majan September 8, pa 10am normal bek.


07 September 2023

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 05:00 - 22:00
  • Tuesday 05:00 - 22:00
  • Wednesday 05:00 - 22:00
  • Thursday 05:00 - 22:00
  • Friday 05:00 - 19:00
  • Saturday 19:00 - 22:00
  • Sunday 10:00 - 15:00