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About O-Cafe Bar

The restaurant is designed for all dynamic people who appreciate delicious food, quality drinks and last but not least looking cozy and quiet place in ever



Our location was specifically selected in the newly developing neighborhood "Vitosha", so that you are away from the city noise while you are five minutes away from the city center. Modern LCD TV screens reflect any event and provided free wireless internet will help you to do one little thing at the last moment, while enjoying a cocktail or culinary masterpiece.


Item Reviews - 5



Локацията ни е специално подбрана в новоразвиващия се квартал “Витоша” , така че да сте далеч от градския шум и същевременно да сте на пет минути разстояние от центъра на града. Модерни LCD екрани отразяват всяко телевизионно събитие, а безплатно предоставения безжичен интернет ще Ви помогне да свършите някоя дреболия в последния момент, докато се наслаждавате на свеж коктейл или кулинарен шедьовър.

Заповядайте при нас! Насладете се на нашата лятна градина! Зарадвайте децата си с нови приятелства и си подарете миг спокойствие!


24 March 2014



KAMENITZA Каменица 0.500мл/1.99лв Каменица фреш лимон 0.500мл/2.49лв Каменица грейпфрут 0.500мл/2.49лв STELLA ARTOIS... Стела Артоа 0.330мл/3.49лв Стела Артоа 0.500мл/2.99лв BECK’S Бекс 0.330мл/2.99лв Бекс 0.500мл/2.49лв STAROPRAMEN Старопрамен 0.500мл/2.49лв LEFFE Лефе светло 0.500мл/3.99лв Лефе тъмно 0.500мл/3.99лв HOEGAARDEN Хугарден 0.330мл/3.99лв

See More "

24 March 2014



Enjoy our garden! Surprise your kids with new friends and give yourself a moment of peace. We care for the parents - only here you will be able to enjoy the uncompromising service, and your heirs will entertain and educate in the company of professionally trained animators. Welcome!


24 March 2014



Our location was specifically selected in the newly developing neighborhood "Vitosha", so that you are away from the city noise while you are five minutes away from the city center. Modern LCD TV screens reflect any event and provided free wireless internet will help you to do one little thing at the last moment, while enjoying a cocktail or culinary masterpiece.


24 March 2014



HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE SITE O'CAFE! The restaurant is designed for all dynamic people who appreciate delicious food, quality drinks and last but not least looking cozy and quiet place in everyday life. Our team is specially selected, we can guarantee you really deserved rest.


24 March 2014

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