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About Health&Beauty Unicity

Kami Menjual Produk dari Unicity di Brunei Darussalam dalam kategori Pengurusan Berat Badan, Nutrisi dan Penjagaan Diri



Item Reviews - 10



Now available chlorophyl and. Green tea oil in small bottle


12 February 2023



Selamat Tinggal Gatal-gatal dan bakat di kulit


11 August 2023



Shared by Jasmine (Brunei) She lost inches and 15kg down, read her story here:

Hi everybody!Well my "before" picture shows me at my heaviest at the beginning of 2013. Believe it or not, people came up to me asking me if I was pregnant again - but sadly I wasn't! I was as heavy as I was when I was 9 months pregnant though. With three children to care for (including a breast fed baby) and working a full time job, I just didn't have time to exercise! Even if I controlled my die...t, I would get hungry and I didn't want to deprive my baby of any nutrients. I was too tired and cranky all the time and my blood pressure was high.When I first saw the sharing on Facebook, I was highly sceptical of using products for weight loss because frankly, I just didn't believe in it. I couldn't believe my eyes! Too good to be true!My wake up call happened when I couldn't fit into my clothes from before I got pregnant. Nothing fit!So at first I detoxed my body with ClearStart30 and started on Slim. I gradually added Chlorophyll and Hawaiian noni daily. I take Lean complete every morning also!In total, since embarking on ClearStart30 in May 2013 I've lost inches and around 15kg - and counting! Best thing is - I can fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes and even have to buy new ones. I have more energy and stamina and I feel happier and brighter! My skin feels soft and clear. My medication for my Blood pressure has also gone down.

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16 May 2023



Manfaat mengunakan Green Tea Oil - Trial bottle ada instock masa ani, boleh whatsapp 8142710 klu berminat kan membeli :)


11 May 2023



Thank you for sharing from my happy customer on use of green tea oil :)


11 May 2023



Shared by Fidah Md.

From my own personal experience..... It has been a week since I was suffering from mouth ulcer. I kept applying MEDI JEL - Gel for Common Mouth Ulcers. Ok, so I thought I endure the pain......but it has been like that for a week! Instead of shrinking, the ulcer gets bigger!

Then suddenly, I realise.....why not try Super Chlorophyll. Heard that it claims to cleanse the blood and blah blah blah.....oh ya, like real......or so I thought.


I make myself one litre of Super Chlorophyll water and drink for the whole day, yesterday......then tell myself, why not at night I double it up with my Natures Tea. So, I soak a bag of Natures Tea.....and drink just before going to bed.

I am so amazed of the results! Not only I feel a great reduce in pain, I can eat normally NOW!

I am so happy and that I am gonna tell the whole world about it. Go on and share about the great product Unicity carries. You dont even have to go to the doctor! You can treat your problems at home, yourself! Just ask the experts from Unicity. What product to take for what problems.

Save money, time and headache. I just love Unicity products.

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05 May 2023



Sharing by sis Laila Aznam, on her doter's eyebag... Yay!! After less than 2 weeks, it has successfully reduce the eye bag. Thanks to GREEN TEA OIL!


05 May 2023



Shared by Rozi (Brunei)

Check out what some of my consumers have to say about the detox program Clear Start 30, cleaning out your plumbing


23 April 2023



Nature’s Tea adalah produk pilihan yang anda perlukan untuk membersihkan sistem penghadaman anda dan untuk menggalakkan ia untuk terus berfungsi dengan baik. Bahan-bahan Nature’s Tea adalah dipilih dengan teliti untuk menghasilkan keupayaan mereka yang terbukti selamat melegakan sembelit dan perangsangan di dalam kolon. Ramuan Nature’s Tea telah menunjukkan campuran yang tepat herba-herba dari Asia dan Amerika Utara. Keseimbangan khas herba ini telah digubal dan digunakan den...gan jayanya selama bertahun-tahun. - Satu campuran rasa manis herba tradisional Cina Amerika - Nature’s Tea membantu keupayaan semulajadi badan untuk membersihkan secara semulajadi badan dari toksin, menggabungkan tindakan pembersihan yang cekap sebagai sebahagian daripada program pengurusan berat badan - Senna dan Buckthorn menyokong pembersihan sistem pencernaan, terutama kolon - Menggalakkan kesihatan dan kecergasan - Menyokong fungsi usus yang normal

Pengambilan yang disyorkan: Mula dengan perlahan-lahan. Rendamkan 1 uncang teh selama 2-5 minit didalam secawan air panas. Minum selepas makan malam. Tambahkan masa rendaman perlahan-lahan. Boleh dinikmati sama ada sejuk atau panas.

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14 April 2023



Sharing from Badariah (Brunei)

hai ladies... saya nak berkongsi dgn you all tentang kehebatan product ni.. sebelum saya mengunakan product dari UNICITY..saya mengalami masalah haid.. hari pertama dtg bulan saya biasanya akan mengalami penyakit pitam..saya selalu pengsan mcm org sawan.. yg paling menyakitkn lg sakit perut yg tramat sangat.. saya selalu berjumpa doktor.. banyak ubat dh saya cuba mkn semuanya tak berhasil.. ada pun hasilnya sekejap saja..itu pun untuk menahan dari sakit perut.. Alhamdulilah setelah saya mengamalkan minum product2 ni bila saja masuk time2 dtg haid saya tidak lg mengalami penyakit pitam dan sakit perut.. cuti sakit pun tidak perlu lagi.


11 April 2023

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