About Bonaire Blond
Bonaire Blond
The Beer that represents Bonaire in a refreshing & delicate way. Where the combination of Aloë vera and hints of lime are clearly tastable!
Bonaire Blond, THE beer that represents Bonaire in a refreshing and delicate way. Where the combination of Aloe Vera and hints of lime enables you to fully enjoy the beauty that Bonaire has to offer in the form of a special Blond Beer!
So, what did we want to accomplish with Bonaire Blond?
Bonaire Blond represents Bonaire in the form of a refreshing beverage. The ingredients used in the brewing process, such as Aloe Vera and hints of lime are perfectly balanced to create the REAL experience that everyone is looking for!
Why is Bonaire Blond no ordinary blond beer?
In order to explain to you why Bonaire Blond is no ordinary blond beer we start at the very first phase, the brewing process of Bonaire Blond.
Every beer is assembled by a couple of main ingredients, Water, grain, hops and yeast. Next to this basic pallet, the brewer can add all kinds of hints and flavours to create that perfect taste that you are looking for. In this case we wanted to create a beer that not only represents the beauty of the island in the form a perfectly balanced beer, we want to give YOU the Bonaire experience with a fulfilled ‘ahh.,’ of enjoyment after every sip!
So, how did we implement Bonaire in to Bonaire Blond? We started with looking for all the different possibilities that Bonaire has to offer with three main focus points, the ingredients have to be Local, Healthy and fresh. Fairly soon we came to the conclusion that Aloe Vera perfectly suits for what we want to create. Aloe Vera is a flower that has the best growing conditions on Bonaire, for those of you who had the privilege to visit Bonaire knows that Aloe Vera grows everywhere, Local? Check.
Aloe Vera is known for its healing power on the human body and is therefor often used in medicines and cosmetics, Healthy? Check.
So that leaves us with fresh, we define fresh as ‘no other products are added’ we want to capture the taste of the chosen ingredient and that ingredient only. In order for us to live up to this standard the Aloe Vera flowers are sun dried, nothing is added to enhance flavour or colour, that what YOU taste in Bonaire Blond IS the taste from the purest Aloe Vera.
So now we have our main ingredients, the brewing begins. In order for me to explain why Bonaire Blond is special I will first give a short introduction to what a Blond beer actually is. The big difference between a lager and a Blond Beer is that a Blond beer has a high fermentation process; this creates a smooth and easy-going beer with no outspoken flavours of the basic ingredients. That was precisely what we were looking for since we want to create a beer that carries the taste of the Aloe Vera with hints of lime.
The brewing process entails two fermentations on the tank and an extra fermentation on the bottle. This ups the transaction from a hard and strong beer to a smooth and balanced beer with the main taste of Aloe Vera and hints of Lime.
I will never be able to describe the special taste and experience that Bonaire Blond has to offer, simply said; Come and get the REAL experience in on of our Restaurants!