About STINAPA Bonaire
Stichting Nationale Parken Bonaire (STINAPA Bonaire) is dedicated to the conservation of Bonaire ’s natural and historical heritage through the sustainable use of its resources. STINAPA is a non-governmental, not for profit foundation.
Stichting Nationale Parken Bonaire (STINAPA Bonaire) is a non-governmental, not for profit foundation commissioned by the island government to manage the two protected areas of Bonaire: the Bonaire National Marine Park (BNMP) and the Washington Slagbaai National Park (WSNP).
Nature is recognized and treasured as the main resource of Bonaire’s existence and sustainable development.
STINAPA is dedicated to manage and share, protect and restore, promote and educate the resources, biodiversity and values of Bonaire’s nature.
The goals of STINAPA are defined in the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan and encompass aspects of:
* Park Management,
* Nature Conservation,
* Education and Awareness,
* Nature and Economy,
* Finance,
* Governance and organization,
* Team goals and,
* Marketing goals.
STINAPA is an acronym for Stichting Nationale Parken, the National Parks Foundation.