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About Water Treatment Laboratory-AQUA

The Water Treatment Laboratory-AQUA is a research laboratory of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Cyprus University of Technology. It is the only academic laboratory in Cyprus that the majority of its research activities focus on monitoring (conventional and remotely), detection, nutrient recovery, treatment (in situ and DWTP), and remediation of cyanobacterial and cyanotoxin contaminated sites. WTL-AQUA also specializes in the identification and quantification of the reactive species formed during chemical oxidation treatment, unveiling the degradation pathways of organic compounds, and toxicity studies. The past decade WTL-AQUA has also established on-going collaborations within Europe, USA, Russia, China, Argentina, and Morocco on topics related to water quality and treatment. WTL-AQUA has also served as consultant for Environmental Agencies in Cyprus (including the Water Development Department, the Department of Forests, the Department of Environment, and the Environmental Committee of the Cypriot Parliament) on problems related to cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins. Besides standard equipment, the laboratory possesses a bench scale model of TFS, ozone generators, and probes that measure photosynthetic activity (portable fluorimeter, Aqua-Pen, Phyto-PAM II). Protocols on measuring residual oxidant concentration (peroxide-based oxidants and ozone) have also been developed (CY patent application, CY202000002 (Filed, September 2020); US Utility Patent (Provisional 2020, PCT 2021-USPTO).
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Employee Count: 3
Keywords: natural resources



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