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Upholding the Orthodox Faith


About Upholding the Orthodox Faith

This page is created to expose some modern doctrinal deviations that have begun to infiltrate the Church.



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St. Cyril explains the following regarding the scapegoat and Christ:

1. the Father made him a victim for the sins of the world. 2. Lord laid upon him the guilt of us all 3. The lot of the necessary endurance of death hung over those on the earth through the transgression... 4. The Word became flesh, the form of us who are under sin, and he endured our lot. 5. He tasted death for all,” and he made his life be an exchange for the life of all.

"Thus Christ became a victim “for our sins according to the Scriptures.” For this reason, we say that he was named sin; wherefore, the all-wise Paul writes, “For our sakes he made him to be sin who knew nothing of sin,” that is to say, God the Father. For we do not say that Christ became a sinner, far from it, but being just, or rather in actuality justice, for he did not know sin, the Father made him a victim for the sins of the world. “He was counted among the wicked,”l having endured a condemnation most suitable for the wicked. And the divinely inspired prophet Isaiah will also vouch for this, saying, “We had all gone astray like sheep, each following his own way, but the Lord laid upon him the guilt of us all,” “yet it was on our behalf he suffers,” “and by his stripes we were healed. The all-wise Peter writes, “he bore our sins in his body upon the tree.’“‘Therefore, the lot of the necessary endurance of death hung over those on the earth through the transgression in Adam and through sin reigning from him until us.“ But the Word of God the Father, being generous in clemency and love of men, became flesh, that is, man, in the form of us who are under sin, and he endured our lot. For as the very excellent Paul writes, “By the grace of God he tasted death for all,” and he made his life be an exchange for the life of all. One died for all, in order that we all might live to God sanctified and brought to life through his blood, “justified as a gift by his grace.” For as the blessed evangelist John says, “The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.” - St. Cyril of Alexandria - Letter 41 (To Acacius, the Bishop Conerning the Scapegoat)

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04 August 2023



Source Behind Modern Atonement Heresy ------------------------------- Within the last one hundred years or less, there was a movement among some in the Orthodox Church to “purge” Orthodoxy of the “juridical” dimension of atonement. Many Orthodox today are led to believe that this dimension is a “contamination” of Western influence. They (mistakenly) believe that this dimension is not supported by scripture, and cannot be found in the writings of the early Church fathers, prio...

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29 May 2023



H.G. Bishop Raphael explained six reasons for the incarnation per the view of St. Athanasius. He also warned about new and false teachings purporting to be "Orthodox" which reject that idea that God punishes, and also reject Christ's "substitutionary death"


27 May 2023



A new and deviant doctrine of salvation is being promoted and upheld (even by some teachers inside the Church)! Please be on your guard for deviant teachings that sound pleasing to the ear, but are estranged from the truth of scripture and the traditional interpretations of the Church fathers!

The article below exposes the deviant/heretical views and reveals the understanding of the early Church fathers with regard to the atonement.


24 May 2023

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