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Springs Open Bible Church


About Springs Open Bible Church

A Bible believing Christian Church who's vision is to help others experience the joy of Jesus Christ.



On Sunday August 10th 1975 this church was dedicated to the honour and glory of God. The first Open Bible Church in Grenada made possible through almost five years of dedicated service to God by Rev. and Mrs. Munroe Cox.

They came to Grenada officially as Missionaries on December 21st 1970, a few days before Christmas, after the Open Bible Standard Churches of Trinidad held a successful crusade in Queens’ Park in August of that year when some 80 persons responded to the invitation to salvation. As is common in the work of God they had to make sacrifices by leaving their two eldest daughters Wendy and Lynette who had just entered secondary school to come to Grenada with their other five children, Marva, Germaine, Carol, Lester, and Pauline. During their nine years in Grenada they had two more children Marcus and Eunice.

In 1972 a crusade was held in Tanteen on the Old Trafford ground with Reverend Benjamin Hunte. Also in that year an out reach was started in Happy Hill and 1973 saw one in Calliste. Reverend Charles Singh and his group returned in 1973. Many persons were baptized from time to time.

Construction on the building started in January 1973 but had to be halted because of the political unrest in the country at that time. Work resumed in full during March. Members worked voluntarily day and night to complete this beautiful place of worship. Those who were able gave towards the finances sacrificially and lovingly. No doubt they were encouraged, motivated, inspired and led by Reverend Cox who saw the building as a fulfillment of his dream for a soul clinic for Grenada.

Then that memorable day came. Thirty-five years ago Reverend Cox a proud man chaired the dedication service. Reverend Keith Armoogan the then General Director of Trinidad gave the dedication message. The choir comprising of local members rendered special singing. In attendance was the then Prime Minister of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique Sir Eric Matthew Gairy who was invited to say a few words and to open the side door in recognition of his significant contributions both personally and as Prime Minister.

Immediately following the dedication a five-week crusade was held at the church. Among the many speakers were Rev. Joyce Edwards, Bishop Carlyle Chankersingh and his brother Neville Chankersingh and Pastor Newel Burke. After the crusade the church had its biggest baptism when some fifty persons followed the Lord in water baptism. Reverend Ken Williams, the then General Director of Missions in Trinidad assisted Reverend Cox with the baptism. Among those baptized and still here with us today, were the present Pastor Reverend Royston Gilbert, his wife Sister Glennor Gilbert, Sister Louise Grant, Brother Douglas Philbert and Sister Esmay Philbert.

From then on this church being the only Open Bible Church on the island served as the hub in the wheel of the Organization here. In 1976 as a highlight in their first Anniversary a graduation ceremony was held. Some sixteen persons received a two-year diploma. The speaker for the first anniversary was Rev. Ephraim Morgan from Jamaica Open Bible. These were students enrolled in the extension classes of Trinidad Bible Institute, which started in 1972. These students were the main workers in both the Happy Hill and Calliste Outposts where services were held every Sunday and Thursday night.

In 1977 Reverend Cox and his family returned home for a six-month vacation and Reverend Capildeo Malayah, his wife and their son Israel filled in for them. In 1978 members of the church contributed immensely to the establishing of the work in Gouyave.

In 1979 Rev. Cox was called to a new field in his homeland Trinidad. Reverend Donald De Coteau, his wife and two daughters replaced them. Reverend Dora Turner, who was here serving as Tutor in the Bible School, assisted them. That year the church was able to provide the personnel in Brother Louison George in missionary out reach by the organization to Carriacou. That year too, the work was nationalized. Cajeton Hood and his wife Louise became the first Local Pastors of the church, serving until 1984. Rev. Royston Gilbert and his wife Glennor replaced them.

Over the past thirty-five years many persons were baptized, babies were dedicated to the Lord and couples exchanged marriage vows. Many have traveled to other lands, some have moved to other Open Bible Churches and to other denominations. Others have passed to the great beyond. Sadly some have turned their backs on God.

Today it is most fitting to pay tribute to those who have contributed. Firstly, we give thanks to God who through his Son the Lord Jesus Christ and by His Holy Spirit has blessed and continues to bless. Without Him we could not accomplished anything. His word says and I quote ‘Faithful is He who called you who also will do it‘

We say thanks, too, to Reverend Cox who came and gave domain service. To his wife Lystra for giving him full support in his decision to come to Grenada. She was always at his side as he laboured in this part of the Lord’s vineyard. We cannot forget his children who had to be separated from their parents from time to time. To you all we say thank you and remind you that the Lord will never forget youthful contribution to His work.

We thank Rev. Chankersingh and First Church, San Fernando who gave above and beyond to the building and to the work on a whole. A few months prior to his coming to Grenada Reverend Cox was appointed assistant Pastor to Reverend Chankersingh.

We want to thank and recognize persons who labored both spiritually and physically with us. Rev. and Mrs. Donald DeCoteau, Rev. and Mrs. Capildeo Maleyah and Sister Dora Turner who served as Missionaries and Pastors of the Church. Sisters Wanita Printy and Artemisa Gregg spent several months here assisting in the Sunday School Department.

We say thanks, too, to our former Pastors Cajeton and Louise Hood who served us for approximately five years. To our present pastors Reverend Royston Gilbert, his wife Sister Glennor Gilbert and they two daughters Lynnel and Tamika we say thank you and may God continue to guide you.

We want to recognize three special persons, who were among the first members and who are still here with us today: Sister Elaine Williams, Rita Delandro, and Brother Walston Thompson.

Some other early members who were at the dedication and are still with us today include Brothers: Wellington Mitchell, Joseph Williams,
Sister Gemma Flemming

In closing we must never forget that this church was built mostly by voluntary labour as was stated earlier by people motivated, inspired and encouraged by God through Reverend Cox. Persons like Emmanuel Flemming, Elias Joseph, Wesley Pilgrim, Scott Charles, Andre Whorwood, Robin Hosten, George Grant, Edward Pascal, Edmund Stewart, Aeon Babb, Dillion Mendes, Dillion Baptiste, Louison George, Herman Sawney, Raphael Dottin, Ann Johnson, Matilda Flemming, Joy Joseph, Louise Hood, Josephine Charles, Doreen Jeremiah, Cicely, Jeannette and Gloria Benoit, Janet Mark, Gillian Charles, Joan Baptiste, Pansy and Miranda Batson, June McGuire, Hazel Ann, Eugene and Myrna Hagley, Sharon Alexander, Evadney Charles, Rena Wilson among many others.


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  • Monday 08:00 - 14:00
  • Tuesday 08:00 - 14:00
  • Wednesday 08:00 - 21:00
  • Thursday 08:00 - 14:00
  • Friday 08:00 - 14:00
  • Saturday 06:30 - 07:30
  • Sunday 09:00 - 12:00

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