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Item Reviews - 20


" #FraudsterAlert #AnointingNotForSale


20 December 2023



Help us spread out the good news of Jesus Christ's Gospel by staying connected with us through our various social media networks. Join us in our mission of changing lives, changing nations and changing the world!

#SocialMedia #ScoanThessalonica


19 December 2023



Do not miss this special Christmas Service as your life will be positively impacted by this sensational Christmas Drama of "The Prodigal Son" at the SCOAN Thessalonica!!!

#ChristmasService #SCOANThessalonica


17 December 2023



Do not miss this special Christmas Service as your life will be positively impacted by this sensational Christmas Drama of "The Prodigal Son" at the SCOAN Thessalonica!!!

#ChristmasService #SCOANThessalonica


16 December 2023


" #FraudsterAlert #AnointingNotForSale


13 December 2023



Help us spread out the good news of Jesus Christ's Gospel by staying connected with us through our various social media networks. Join us in our mission of changing lives, changing nations and changing the world!

#socialmedia #scoanthessalonica


12 December 2023


" #ProphetHarry #WordofWisdom


11 December 2023



What do you think about all day long? What is the thing that constantly goes through your mind and troubles you? Is it the mistakes of the past? Do not focus on the mistakes of the past, because no matter your past, life does not completely close the door to opportunity. In the Book of Philippians 4:13 the Word of God says, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength”. This means that when you focus your attention on God, then you are what God says that you are, you have what God says that you have and you can do what God says that you can do. So, focus on the resurrected Jesus Christ, because He will also resurrect your life! Prayer: “Lord help me not focus on my present situation, but on the future that You have destined for me.”


26 May 2023



Are you facing a seemingly very difficult situation in your life? Do you feel like you can no longer endure this situation? Apostle Paul, in the Book of 1 Corinthians 10:13, emphasizes that “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it”. From this verse we can understand that our relationship to J...esus Christ, a genuine spiritual experience, need to be tested in an real situation, to expose the reality of that experience. The Word of God teaches us, that by going through such difficult situations,the choices we make determine whether we are children of God or children of satan. That is why, through your difficulty, do not run away from God but run towards God. Never doubt Jesus’ ability to help you but trust your situation in His hands and He will give the solution. In His time, everything is beautiful! Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, I trust my case in Your hands, because I believe that You are already working on the answer. Lead me in the choices I have to make. Amen!”

See More "

23 May 2023




22 May 2023




20 May 2023




16 May 2023




15 May 2023



Have you ever imagined that an evil spirit could enter someone through TV? Beware of satan's evil techniques, after listening to the SHOCKING confession of a woman who had deadly thought to harm her son after watching a famous television show.


14 May 2023



All of us, at some point of our life, have fallen in the trap of offence. Because of offence we hold bitterness, anger and unforgiveness in our heart. In the Word of God, though, in Luke 11:4 we read: “Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation”. This means that the unforgiveness due to offence is one of the traps satan, the enemy of our soul, uses to hold us in bondage. Therefore, the devil wants to keep us chained with unforgiveness, but God wants us to have a heart that forgives. Prayer: “Lord, give me a forgiving heart and deliver me from all kinds of offence, bitterness and anger - in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!”


12 May 2023



Many people today, allow their situation to control their attitude. For instance, poverty can lead one to stealing – or career failure can lead one into depression. These, are the carnally minded people. Because, in 2 Corinthians 4:18, the Bible says, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen”. This means, a spiritually minded person is controlled by what is unseen, not what is seen. Therefore, as a Christian, don’t let your trouble weigh you down. Look beyond your trouble – beyond that trouble is solution. Prayer: “O Holy Spirit, open my eyes of faith to see beyond my present situation - in Jesus’ Name, amen”.


12 August 2023



"Never a sickness Jesus cannot heal. Never a burden Jesus cannot bear. Never a problem Jesus cannot solve!"


07 August 2023



Life is not fun and games. The Church is not a playground or a bonding meeting – it is a warfare, where only the spiritual minded are victorious. Ephesians 6:12-13 – “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood… but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, put on the full armour of God…” This means, there is definitely a battle with evil powers. But glory be to God, the Lord has given us all the armour we need! Use every piece of armour to resist the enemy whenever he attacks. Each piece of armour has its own offensive as well as defensive use: Truth, love, faithfulness, hope, faith, patience, humility and peace becomes our protection against the lies, hatred, unfaithfulness, self-pity, doubts, grumbling, pride and attack of the adversary.


02 August 2023



What a person says with his mouth can either release or negate what he believes in his heart. We, children of God, boldly speak forth God’s language, as commonly as the unbeliever talks his fear, sickness, poverty, failure, doubt, setback and worry. Listen to the voice of God in Numbers 14:28 – “As surely as I live, declares the Lord, I will do to you the very things I heard you say”. This means, you will not and you cannot rise above the level of your words. Therefore, never think or talk on the level of your old life. Get your mind set to things above, in Jesus’ Name – amen.


29 July 2023



The Power Of God In Action! Miracles, healing and all of God’s blessings are still available in the bank of Heaven. Jesus Christ never said goodbye! He is still Alive and He acts in the lives of people that show their genuine faith in Him. The following video proves the power of God and the truth of God’s Word that says in John 14:12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do.”


08 June 2023

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