About Opera House HK
Italian Restaurant & Bistrot
Wine Dinner
Over 7years the cuisine of Como native Alberto Alboreggia has made quite a name in China. Now it's finally time to conquer Hong Kong.
Italian cuisine in town is no longer a rare find, but the concept of two-floor restaurants certainly is. Ground floor is an elegant Italian bistro, the kingdom of Pizza and Tapas inspired dishes. Exquisite dining room on the second floor brings you the fine-dining experience. The menu flaunts dishes like Risotto Blackberry Iberico Cheek, Opera Seafood Spiedino and Homemade Mix Desert.
Keeping in mind the growing number of Vegetarians, OperaHouse has a selection of Pizzas, Pastas and Second dishes.
At OperaHouse Italian flavors are used to create authentically innovative cuisine and only finest ingredients are used to create signature dishes.
There are a profound respect for the food in Italy and that’s what OperaHouse is eager to deliver both for the food cooked in here and customers who will come and definitely stay...
Opera House名廚盡展風彩
[二零一四年二月十四日-香港]來自意大利的名廚Alberto Alboreggia,於中國闖出碩大人氣後更是名傳國外。現在終於登陸香港!多位世界級名人如:約旦皇后拉尼婭,AC米蘭球隊,鞏俐,蔣偉和成龍均對他的廚藝擊節讚賞。 Alberto 不僅提供優質的食物,更對菜式表現出無限的創意,令菜式更優雅更有意境。 Opera House 內部裝飾及設計是名廚Alberto的願景,也是他夥同意大利著名設計團隊Rialto度身設計的成果。
二樓精緻的餐廳為您帶來精緻的用餐體驗。開放式廚房營造古典和現代混合的感覺,菜式更是精挑細選下的極品。 意大利菜的精髓在於簡單,但對食材品質要求極為嚴謹。美食作家Archestratus在4世紀時對意大利美食的品評為“一流的質量和時令食材結合的巔峰”。這就是Opera House的宗旨,我們誠邀所有的人,與我們分享高品質的意大利美食!