VIVA China Children's Cancer Foundation Limited
About VIVA China Children's Cancer Foundation Limited
Saving lives of children with cancer through excellence in medical care, research, and education.
The objects for which the Foundation is established are:
To improve the treatment and cure of childhood cancers (especially leukemia) and provision of long-term follow-up for childhood cancer survivors, which activities shall include but are not limited to the following:
To fund and support clinical research in childhood cancer (especially leukemia), stem cell transplantation and graft manipulation and to fund, establish and support clinical and translational research program(s) between an advanced centers of medical research and treatment overseas (Memphis, U.S.A.) or other foreign institutions and local institutions directed at, inter alia, understanding the causes of cancer in children, finding cures, prevention of childhood cancers and long-term care and follow-up of childhood cancer survivors
To establish and support local and regional or international programs or collaborations between local institution(s) and local institutions and an advanced centers of medical research and treatment overseas (Memphis, U.S.A.) or other foreign institutions that will provide training and continuing medical education to doctors, nurses, scientists, administrators, caregivers and other personnel involved in the care, treatment and follow-up of children with cancer and childhood cancer survivors
To establish scholarships and fellowships for doctors, nurses, scientists, administrators and other personnel from China to train in an advanced centers of medical research and treatment overseas (Memphis, U.S.A.) or other foreign institutions and for personnel from such foreign institutions to conduct training for doctors, nurses, scientists, administrators and other personnel in China.
To establish chair(s) for professorship(s) in paediatric oncology, stem cell transplantation and/or related areas in universities in China and/or Hong Kong
To generally aid, assist and give relief in any manner, to any extent, to children with cancer and childhood cancer survivors and their families from China/Hong Kong in seeking treatment in China/Hong Kong
To fund, support and establish the hospitals in China or other local hospital(s) subsidized by the government as a center(s) of excellence for treatment and patient care, research and training of doctors, nurses, scientists, administrators, caregivers and other personnel involved in the treatment of children with cancer and childhood cancer survivors, which activities shall include but are not limited to the following:
To develop, enhance or upgrade facilities, equipment, accommodation and space for or related to the treatment of childhood cancer (especially leukemia) at the hospitals in China, and the follow-up and care of childhood cancer survivors
To fund positions in hospitals in China or other institutions for doctors, nurses, administrators, technologists, therapists, social workers, and other personnel involved in the treatment and care of children with cancer and childhood cancer survivors
To fund, establish and support regional centers in China to carry out regional outreach program(s) to be set up by the Foundation and/or other parties and an advanced centers of medical research and treatment overseas (Memphis, U.S.A.) that will provide training and continuing medical education programs and research opportunities in Asian countries in partnership with local parties institutions and corporations, which activities will include but are not limited to the following:
To organise childhood cancer workshop(s), conference(s) and/or seminars(s) to promote, inter alia, continuing medical education and training of doctors, nurses and caregivers and all those involve in the treatment and care of children with cancer and childhood cancer survivors
To organise clinical treatment and research programs for children wih cancer and childhood cancer survivors in Asian countries
To carry out, do and execute any other activities in furtherance of and in support of the objectives hereinbefore mentioned
推进提高儿童癌症(尤其是白血病)的治疗方案和治愈率,支持对儿童癌症幸存者的长期随访。活动包括但不仅限于以下内容: 资助儿童癌症(尤其是白血病),干细胞移植以及移植操作的临床研究。建立以及资金支持国外领先的医学研究和治疗中心(美国孟斐斯)或其他中国境外机构与中国地方机构合作的,直接针对于导致儿童癌症的起因,治疗方案,癌症预防和长期护理以及对幸存者跟踪随访的临床和转化研究计划。 建立以及资助国外领先的医学研究和治疗中心(美国孟斐斯)或其他中国境外机构与中国机构在地方,区域或国际领域的项目合作,包括给医生,护士科研人员,管理人员,护理员以及其他护理,医疗,儿童癌症幸存者跟踪随访工作相关人士的再继续医学教育培训。 建立奖学金和助学金模式资助中国医生,护士,管理人员以及其他相关人士去国外领先的医学研究和治疗中心(美国孟斐斯)儿童研究医院或者其他境外机构参与培训。或者资助境外机构相关专家来中国培训中国医生,护士,管理人员以及其他相关人士。 在中国内地或香港的大学建立在儿科肿瘤,干细胞移植以及相关领域的教授专家委员会。 以各种方式给予居住在中国内地/香港,或在中国内地/香港寻求医疗方案的癌症儿童,癌症儿童幸存者以及他们的家庭各个程度的救援,帮助以及资助。
在中国境内医院或者中国公立医院资助并建立提供治疗,患者护理,研究项目以及培训医生,护士,科研人员,管理人员,护理员和其他与儿童癌症患者,幸存者相关的医疗方案的卓越中心。活动包括但不仅限于以下内容: 发展,提高或改善中国医院内对治疗儿童癌症(尤其是白血病)的设施,设备,住宿和空间,并跟踪随访以及照顾儿童癌症幸存者。 在中国医院或者相关机构内资助医生,护士,管理人员,技术人员,治疗师,社会工作者以及其他治疗护理儿童癌症患者和儿童癌症幸存者相关人士的工作岗位。
在中国资助并建立区域中心开展基金会与国外领先的医学研究和治疗中心(美国孟斐斯)或其他机构建立的区域性推广计划。此计划将与亚洲各国当地的机构或企业合作提供培训以及再继续医学教育项目。活动包括但不仅限于以下内容: 组织各类儿童癌症相关研讨会或工作会议,以推动面向医生,护士,护理员和其他与儿童癌症患者,幸存者医疗护理相关人员的再继续医学教育以及培训。 在亚洲各国组织针对儿童癌症患者以及儿童癌症幸存者的临床治疗和科研项目。