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About Kay Blada

Kay Blada Recycling is a 501(c)(3) certified non-profit dedicated to alleviating poverty and cleaning up plastic waste in Haiti. Since Kay Blada was founded in December of 2015, we have employed about 65 people and recycled 60,000 pounds of plastic.



1. What is KayBlada about?
2. Why is plastic recycling important for Haiti?
3. How do we plan to do it?
I am going to walk you through these questions step by step for your better understanding of KAYBLADA!

1. What is KayBlada about?

KayBlada is a service project for Haiti that is focusing on the recycling of plastic bottles. We are located in Cap Haitian, and Hinche , Haiti. We believe that providing jobs for local Haitians, especially in the area of improving the environment, will be empowering for the people and the local economy.

2. Why is plastic recycling important for Haiti?

Trash is a big problem in Haiti. Anywhere you go, in the city or the countryside, you will see big piles of trash. All kids of trash, even batteries and used motor oil are simply thrown onto the ground. There are no widespread programs for trash or recycling. Trash gets buried or burned, or thrown in the river. This creates a lot of toxic pollution of the air and water.
Haiti is a very poor country, and very vulnerable to natural disasters. Over 60% of the population is unemployed, and about 80% is illiterate. People do not have the education to understand the problems that are being created by the generation of plastic trash, or the possible solutions. The government has not implemented any kind of support system that would enable people to dispose of trash properly.
So as a Haitian that lives in the US, I’m asking myself, how can I help Haiti? With so many problems, where would someone like me even start? In a place like Haiti, the key is to pick one small area and work on that, without losing your focus. Recently, it has become possible to recycle plastic bottles. I have chosen to start my work in this area.
By creating a small recycling business in Haiti, I will be able to provide jobs to people who otherwise would not have jobs. They will feel as if they are helping and participating in some way in improving their country. More money will stay in the local economy. This will be empowering to the people.

3. How do we plan to do it?

A project like this can be expensive, because normally you need big equipment and tools to do this kind of work. But in a country like Haiti where people already know how to do everything by hand, it is easy to find people who are more than happy to walk around in the streets all day, under the hot sun and in the dust, to collect large sacks of plastic bottles which they will then carry back to the weighing station in order to get paid, by pound, for what they have gathered. This kind of work allows more people to participate in beautifying their country, and makes people feel needed in the community. We think that’s a very good thing!

There are 3 groups of people doing the work:

A) Group A consists of people who are already on the streets collecting plastic bottles, and filling big sacks that can hold about 50 pounds.
After filling up those big sacks, they carry them on their backs and bring them to us (KayBlada), where we are going to weigh each sack to know how many pounds they bring and then pay the people per pound. Depending on which kind of plastic they bring, they can make up to 3 gourdes per pound. (1USD = 40 gourdes. They would have to bring around 13lbs to make 1USD.)
We all know this is a very small amount of money, but the people are happy to do it because that may be the only option they have for work. And of course they love the idea of cleaning up the country as well.

B) Group B is a team of people responsible for weighing the plastic sacks that people bring in. Then they sort the plastic bottles and get them ready for pick up. They are also responsible for going out on the streets and motivating people to get involved.

C) Group C is the company who comes to pick up the plastic which is then shipped offshore for processing.

On our Haitian flag it says “Union fait la force” meaning “Together we’re strong”. Haitians love putting their hands together to make something happen, they are always exited for these kinds of projects; they make KayBlada feel welcome and also needed.
I Blada Smooth am committed to help Haiti my country with its trash and plastic problem. Haiti is in need of many interventions that would improve the quality of life for the people; this is the area I have chosen to begin with as my service project to help people empower themselves and participate in a real way in the betterment of their country.

Thanks to all of you that are with me on this journey--let’s stay in touch!

KayBlada thanks you so much for your time!
KayBlada .


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