" Agency property, Serta Investment property yg dipercaya. Sukses selalu. "
" Keep up the good work. "
" Looking for advice? For property investment? You are came to right place. Keep up the good work "
" Sukses selalu boss... "
" Boss parungpanjang neeehhh "
" Good services for agency property, Consultant, and planning startup project. Keep the good work dude !! "
" Most valuable consultant for small to med property investment, at Tangsel and Bali. "
" Agency property, Serta Investment property yg dipercaya. Sukses selalu. "
11 April 2018Anynomous
" Keep up the good work. "
20 November 2016Anynomous
" Looking for advice? For property investment? You are came to right place.
03 November 2016Keep up the good work "
" Sukses selalu boss... "
24 July 2016Anynomous
" Boss parungpanjang neeehhh "
19 July 2016Anynomous
" Good services for agency property, Consultant, and planning startup project. Keep the good work dude !! "
18 July 2016Anynomous
" Most valuable consultant for small to med property investment, at Tangsel and Bali. "
27 May 2016