BdP Law Office,Your Legal Solution Partners
About BdP Law Office,Your Legal Solution Partners
Your Legal Solution Partners
Constitutionally, our country has laid the basic principle that the Indonesian state based on law (Rechtstaat) is not based on mere power (Machtstaat). By highlighting these principles of the Constitution of 1945 as the Basic Law has put the law in a central position and has a decisive role in the Indonesian state administration system.
Our country is a country where the role of law in the law is being upheld by all Indonesian people. Unfortunately however, that until today still many of our society that have not been aware and understand the meaning and importance of the law.
We as responsible Advocate also to participate to raise awareness on public law as stipulated in Law No. 18 Year 2003 about where the role of the Advocate Advocate is now aligned with the judge, prosecutors and police or known as Chess Taliwangsa.
At this opportunity we let the Law Offices of Budi Setiawan & Partners (BDP Law Office) filed a Joint Proposal bid to provide legal aid services to PT. Pages ITS Group of Indonesia Ibu pimpin.
Legal aid services that we provide cover various aspects of law, among others concerning company law, property, employment / labor, land, leases, insurance, Franchise (Wara Income), the settlement / billing debts, and dispute resolution for cases per-case for the client either through the judicial process (litigation) or outside the judicial (non-litigation) through alternative dispute resolution / APS in the form of negotiation, mediation or arbitration (Alternative Dispute Resolution / ADR).
We also provide legal aid services in the form of legal consultation in the form of periodic oral and written. Provision of legal aid services are provided in the form of legal opinions (legal opinion) as well as legal advice (legal advice) that includes actions as legal counsel to every problem in the field of law in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
Billing Division (Collection Division) we as an integral part of law firm Budi Setiawan & Partners (BDP Law Office), offers billing services by introducing a new method of billing the technical implementation of a more intelligent, courteous, and cooperative and without intimidation. This proved very effective and beneficial to all parties involved, given that current society getting smarter & advanced and harmonious relationships between the owner of receivables with debt owners are also very important however to be maintained. Number of companies that have given us the confidence to handle their debts, it initelah assured us that at this time we were on the right track. This helped motivate us to move forward and maintain the trust that has been provided by the client. Given the fact that we were able to collect a debt that can not be resolved by the other party is an achievement in order to provide satisfaction to our clients.