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Item Reviews - 15


" Sampai kapan pun saya gak akan pernah lupa pengalaman ke dr bedah di nurhayati. Attitudenya sangat buruk dan malah membentak pasien hanya karena bertanya masalah medis. Jauh dari kesan ramah. Trauma saya berobat di dr bedah sini. Sampai skrg gak akan lupa. "

01 July 2023


" Came here for control, but when the child was consulted, the doctor seemed to be in a bit of a hurry, so I wasn't satisfied, I felt like I was being told to hurry up
Then waiting for the doctor to come for almost an hour, Kayana "

28 May 2023


" I give 4 stars for the rating ..

I thank you very much.
For Nurhayati Garut Hospital.
Therefore my wife can be healthy and recover.

I want to share a little story about my experience at the Nurhayati hospital - Garut.
Hopefully with the reviews that I will share, it can be useful for everything.

Friday, March 5, 2021.
My wife was diagnosed by the doctor to be in Kuret (miscarriage).
Because I am a BPJS user, I also take care of letters, references and requirements.
On Saturday, March 6, 2021, I received a referral to the Nurhayati Hospital.
In the morning I signed up, and Alhamdulillah I was served very well there.
As a BPJS participant.
My wife was examined at the Midwifery Poli, and it is true that the doctor also said that my wife had to Kuret.
I'm the one who doesn't understand that, confused.
Luckily I was briefed by the doctors and nurses there.

Because the Curette action requires careful preparation, I was encouraged to do the Curette action on Mondays. Because even Sundays are closed.
Luckily my wife is not in an emergency condition, so the handling can be suspended.
I was told to come back on Monday, the nurse said at 6 am I should be in the hospital.

Monday arrived,
My wife and I returned to the hospital.
Pray for the smooth running, before I also asked people who had Kuret, they said maybe they would stay a day, so for information only. If anyone experiences like me, prepare supplies and clothes for copying.
When I got there I was asked to do a screening first, understand the health protocol for the prevention of Covid 19.
After that, my wife and I were told to go to the 3rd floor, the midwifery action room.
There I prepared the administration.

The wife was ready, with a blood sample and did not forget, this is what is important.
The patient must first Swab the Antigen, for the sake of smooth running as well. It's a bit troublesome, but at times like this. We must follow, and for the sake of mutual safety too.
Alhamdulillah, my wife is negative, and can be dealt with that very day.
After the blood test results the Swab test comes out.
The wife was punished.
With all the preparations, put in the infusion and the curette tool too, not forgetting that the wife was told to fast, for the sake of the smooth process of the curette.

Long story short, my wife was arrested at 8 pm,
Thank God it goes as planned,
And tomorrow morning we can go home.
For wives, they can quickly rest.

Thank you very much Nurhayati hospital,
for all of its services.
Not to forget, thank you doctor Dani, because she is my wife and I can recover, be healthy and recover again,
Thank you sisters for taking care of the wife from start to finish.
May God be able to repay your merits.
Hopefully we will be given another baby soon.

Maybe that's all I can share.
Hope it can be useful.
Thank you very much, RS. Nurhayati
Thank you very much Doctor Dani
Always be successful and healthy "

18 March 2023


" Bulak Balik services are not clear, even though a week ago I gave the doctor a schedule to immediately operate but came in the morning and told to come in the afternoon to check again because of different doctors "

26 February 2023


" Selalu penuh karena disini poli nya banyak disatukan dalam satu ruangan jadi pengap yg sakit malah tambah sakit kalau lagi nunggu dipanggil ya karena itu ruangan tidak terlalu besar tapi didalamnya banyak orang, tapi untuk perawatannya bagus perawat pada baik dan ga jutek, kalau mau daftar harus dari pagi kasihin ke orang yg suka ngumpulin data nya "

21 June 2023


" Sebenarnya lumayan lebih baik dari segi pelayanan dibanding rsu dr. Slamet yang sangat buruk , cuman fasilitas parkir minim, malam cenderung sepi susah cari makan, perawat harus diberi arahan lagi agar tidak seenaknya tertawa dan ngobrol dengan suara kencang, bahkan pada malam hari . "

04 June 2023


" Tempat nya sempit.. pasilitas ruang tunggu kurang nyaman ..toilet nya jorok ..
Atau karena mungkin salary ke karyawan nya ga sesuai hingga efek k pelayanan berpengaruh.. "

18 May 2023


" *Jadwal praktek dokter sore pendaftaran harus dari pagi ya .
*harus banyak bertanya kepada resepsionist nya jadwal praktek dokter nya jam berapa? Dokter biasanya datang jam berapa? Jadi tidak terlalu lama menunggu dipanggil.
*dokter spesialis di Rumah sakit ini merupakan dokter spesialis di rumah sakit besar garut
*bisa memakai kartu bpjs dan tidak ribet "

14 April 2023


" Parkir untuk mobil nya sempit, kalau mau leluasa bisa ke klinik yang ada di sebrang rumahsakit ini. "

14 January 2023


" Pendaftaran pagi padat, terutama pengguna BPJS. karena ruang lingkup yg kecil, tapi pasien yg datang membludak, tempat duduk yg kurang. Usahakan kalau berobat kesini diagendakan sehingga tidak mengganggu aktifitas, biasa berobat jalan memakan waktu 2hari, hari pertama daftar, besoknya berobat dipanggil lebih awal. Hati2 kadang dokter ada yg terlambat datang, lebih baik pasien dibawa saat 10 nomer sebelumnya. "

18 December 2023


" Kami sangat kecewa dengan pelayanan d rs nurhayati ini, apalagi CS pendaptarannya.
Istri saya mau usg aja dibuat repot, 3 hari bolak-balik rs ini g jadi trus
Hr 1 udah nunggu dari jam 2 siang pas k pendaftran d terma, jam 3 k pndaftrn lg kt nya jam 4, udah dibuka jam 4 eh poli kandungannya katanya g praktek, paling bsok, kenapa g ngomong dr td ??
hr 2 udah daftr dari siang, lama nunggu smpe jam stngan 5 pas ditnyain ternyata berkas pendaftran blum diproses & katanya ada yg kjrang persyartannya, kenapa g ngomong dr kmrin pas daftar pertama ??
Hr 3 hari sabtu kt nya poli kandngnnya buka jam 8, pas k sana eh katanya dokternya mau ngoprasi...
Jadi gimna ga kecewa & kesel, kasian istri saya bolak-balik k RS ini y jauh lagi ngandung tua lagi, apa karena saya pake BPJS ??
Apalagi yg jaga pendaftrannya pada judes, saya nanya baik2 malah dikasih berkas sambil buang muka..
Bohong semua tempelan tulisan disana katanya "MENGUTAMAKAN PELAYANAN"..
Kapok saya mau k sini lagi... "

08 September 2023


" Rumah Sakitnya Memang kecil, tapi pelayanan sangat memuaskan, bersih serta perawat dan semua pegawainya ramah ramah,membuat RS ini terlhat mewah. "

17 August 2023


" Pelayanan kelas atas, dgn fasilitas asuransi cukup lengkap. 👍👍👍 "

02 May 2023


" TERIMA KASIH RS NURHAYATI GARUT, !!! kami mendapatkn pelayanan yg sangat maksimal ketika istri saya melahirkan disana pada tanggal 07 oktober 2016 melalui proses ceasar, & operasi IUD tgl 19 oktobr, kami ucapkn teriimakasih kepada dr kandungan, bedah,& anestesi, terutama dr.Dhani, bidan, perawat maupun security yg telah bekerja dengan baik & Profesional,, kami mendapatkan attensi & kenyaman disana, terimakasih buat semuanya smoga Allah membalas kebaikan anda semua amiin..... "

08 November 2023


" Yang bilang perawatnya cantik2 siapa?
Hu uh betullll 🍺🌷 "

09 September 2023

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