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Item Reviews - 13


" Built in 1818 by the Dutch, now being used as part of amusement park, to enter the venue the ticket price is 25k rupiah per person. Some of the fort's room are used to display photographs of Indonesian national and revolution heroes, all the presidents and vice presidents since the independence day. The maintenance of the building and it surrounding has not been great, although its brick red walls make beatiful photos in contrast with the blue sky. Interestingly, there is a small train on top which will bring you around the fort. The track was used during the war time to move quickly weapons and artilery to different parts of the fort. I hope they can improve the management and the maintenance in the near future. "

28 May 2018


" Mau wisata sejarah dan keluarga di sini tempatnya. Cocok juga untuk foto2 bergaya tempo dulu. Ada hotelnya juga, kok. "

11 April 2018


" Must visited place when come to Kebumen with your family and children.

Historic place and great for take a photo.

Don't forget to have fun trip with sort of train "

12 January 2018


" A great fort. But such a pitty that the maintanance is low, even the train above the fort ia rusty. "

29 December 2017


" A Historical place that proven that dutch goverment ever did colonialism in indonesia. This place is a millitary barrack for train soldier. Located in Gombong distric, Kebumen - central java. About 400 KM from Jakarta or 200 KM from Jogjakarta. 2 KM from nearest Train station "

11 December 2017


" Nice spot for historical knowledge. But, poor maintenance and make the historical port to being playground look like ridiculous idea.. It's more better make the port look as natural, so we can feel the spirit.. Thanks "

12 October 2017


" good historical place "

10 August 2017


" Fans film The Raud, must check this "

24 June 2017


" One of historical destination at Kebumen Regency "

26 January 2017


" A lot of memories in this place... For me. "

03 October 2016


" The building had historic meaning "

13 September 2016


" So clasic. Historical banget "

10 July 2016


" Another historical place of Indonesia. It is an octagonal-shaped fortress which id built by the Dutch during Netherlands-Indie era. The fort was built with bricks up to the roof so it is so strong that they can put a railway around the edge of the roof (I don't know if it is built back then or later).
Too bad the building is not well maintained, it is presented as empty as it is, no informative signs, displays or dioramas to explain about the historical moments of the fort it self. It is more of a recreational area nowadays with one mini train brings visitors go around seeing the scenery from the roof top, children playground, music stage, foodcourt, swimming pool etc. "

11 May 2016

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