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Get some relax an enjoy the green scenery at d'SEASON Hotel Karimunjawa. Happy Saturday everyone! Thank you @aurakasih for share your moment with us.


29 June 2023



Satukan hati, pikiran, ucapan dan tindakanmu ke dalam satu tarikan nafas perjuangan mewujudkan Pancasila. - Soekarno -

Selamat Hari Lahir Pancasila, Indonesia!

Unite your hearts, your thoughts, your words and actions into one breath of struggle to realize pancasila. - Soekarno -

Happy born day pancasila, Indonesia!Translated "

31 May 2023



Marhaban ya Ramadhan. Menyambut bulan suci penuh berkah, berikut kami informasikan jadwal imsakiyah untuk wilayah Jawa Tengah dan sekitarnya!

Selamat berbuka puasa.....


16 May 2023



No one can make you "spiritual" or "enlightened". The greatest teacher is your own soul. Happy Ascension Day!


09 May 2023



Kartini adalah simbol suara. Dia bukan hanya kaum intelektual dalam aksara. Mereka yang teguh pada diri dan kodratnya adalah Kartini yang utuh dan selaras dengan konsekuensinya. Selamat Hari Kartini untuk Kartini Indonesia.

Kartini is a symbol of sound. He's not just an intellectual in sarada. Those who are firm in themselves and their price are the intact kartini and aligned with the consequences. Happy kartini day for kartini Indonesia.Translated "

20 April 2023



Selamat memperingati Isra' Mi'raj Nabi Muhammad SAW 1439H. Semoga kita bisa meningkatkan keimanan dan ketakwaan kita kepada Allah SWT serta bisa selalu meneladani akhlak mulia Rasulullah SAW.

Happy commemorate isra 'MI' Raj Prophet Muhammad saw 1439 H.
Hopefully we can increase our faith and piety to Allah swt as well as can always imitate the noble morals of the messenger of Allah.Translated "

13 April 2023



Earth Hour Program is about using #YourPower to change climate change. Let's do it for our planet! It's the season to conserve energy for our future.


23 March 2023

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