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Red Velvet Coffeehouse


About Red Velvet Coffeehouse

We have best coffee drinks and many many sweets treats for you. Come join us and share love , coffee talk , and many more.



Red Velvet Coffeehouse and Pastry is a locally owned, operated and oriented eatery. We specialize in coffee, tea, and juice creations as well as a mixed menu of healthy sweets and snacks.

We are committed to incorporating the finest ingredients in the most innovative products, served in an inviting, creative environment. Harkening back to an era before coffee house homogenization, Red Velvet is a meeting place of art, ideas, and tastes. We are a destination for live music as well as a stop-over between work and home.

We are proud to be rooted to our community through the native artists we showcase, the neighborhood businesses with which we partner, the local causes we espouse and, of course, the friends and neighbors we serve.

While we expect to always evolve to meet the expectations of our customers our core love of food and the joy of sharing that love with others will never change. We hope you enjoy the eclectic offerings from our menu as much as we enjoy creating them.

Novi Anggraeni

Red Velvet Coffeehouse dan Pastry adalah restoran lokal yang dimiliki, dioperasikan dan berorientasi. Kami adalah spesialis dalam kreasi kopi, teh, dan jus serta menu campuran permen dan makanan ringan yang sehat.

Kami berkomitmen untuk menggabungkan bahan-bahan terbaik dalam produk yang paling inovatif, disajikan dalam mengundang, lingkungan kreatif. Harkening kembali ke era sebelum rumah kopi homogenisasi, Red Velvet adalah tempat pertemuan seni, ide, dan selera. Kami adalah tujuan untuk musik serta perhentian antara pekerjaan dan rumah.

Kami bangga akan berakar ke masyarakat melalui para seniman asli kami menampilkan, bisnis lingkungan yang kita mitra, penyebab lokal kita tetapkan dan, tentu saja, teman-teman dan tetangga kami layani.

Meskipun kami berharap untuk selalu berevolusi untuk memenuhi harapan pelanggan kami cinta makanan inti kami dan sukacita berbagi kasih dengan orang lain tidak akan pernah berubah. Kami harap Anda menikmati sajian beragam dari menu kami sebanyak yang kami menikmati membuat mereka.

Novi Anggraeni
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