" Located about 2 minutes walking from the main road. It's in the middle of the village. It's a nice place to transit while travelling to north Lombok, especially Mentigi beach. Since the sanitary service in Mentigi beach is limited, today I decided to walk about 5 minutes to this mosque. "
22 April 2018
" Karena bagus dan indah "
08 October 2017
" Nama masjidnya yg benar adalah Masjid Nurul Yaqin. "
" Located about 2 minutes walking from the main road. It's in the middle of the village. It's a nice place to transit while travelling to north Lombok, especially Mentigi beach. Since the sanitary service in Mentigi beach is limited, today I decided to walk about 5 minutes to this mosque. "
22 April 2018Anynomous
" Karena bagus dan indah "
08 October 2017Anynomous
" Nama masjidnya yg benar adalah Masjid Nurul Yaqin. "
18 March 2017Anynomous
" Krna disi tmpat sya sholat stip hrii "
19 November 2016Anynomous
" Karna di sini saya lahir dan berkembang... "
21 August 2016Anynomous
" Masjid masyarakat mentigi "
19 August 2016