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About St. Patricks BNS Parents Association

The Parents Association is the structure through which parents in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children.



The Parents Association consists of parents just like you so we understand the demands on your time and any involvement with the association or its activities is greatly appreciated.

One of the many activites of the PA are the provision each year of extra classes for the children during school time. In previous years we have provided gymnastics, basketball and music. See what is being provided this year.

The committee meets monthly during the school year and new members are always welcome. For more information contact us at

St Patrick's Parents Association is a member of the National Parents Council (NPC) Primary.

What is a Parents Association?
The Parents Association is the structure through which parents in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children. The Parents Association works with the principal, staff and the board of management to build effective partnership between home and school.

The Parents Association and partnership between home and school

Partnership between home and school is important because with positive and active partnership the child gets the best that primary education has to offer.
We know from research that children do better, behave better and are happier at school where parents and teachers work closely together and when parents are able to give their children support at home.
Teachers can do a better job where they are supported by and working closely with parents.
Parents can do a better job when they have the support of other parents.
All parents together can play their part in planning for the best possible education for children in their school.
The parents association is a means to make this partnership happen.

The Role of the Parents Association

The Education Act, 1998 sets down the role of the parent association:

A parent’s association shall promote the interest of the students in a school in co-operation with the board, principal, teachers and students.

The Education Act also sets down two broad tasks for a parent association, as ways of implementing that role:

To advise the principal or the Board on matters relating to the school
To adopt a programme of activities, which will promote the involvement of parents in the operation of the school, in consultation with the principal.
In order to do these tasks well, the Parents Association needs to have effective ways of:

Consulting with parents, so that parents can express their views on school policy and matters relating to the school.
Finding out from parents about the kinds of activities that will promote parental involvement and partnership for the benefit of the students.
Finding out from pupils about how the Parents Association can be of help to them.
Consulting with and advising the principal and the board of management.
Partnership needs to happen in many aspects of school life. Here are some of the important ones:

Information sharing about school and about education.
Information for parents about helping their own child.
School Policy and planning.
On-going contact between parents, the principal and the board.
Partnership with teachers in delivering the curriculum and in assessing children’s progress.
Networking among parents.
Extracurricular activities for children.
Affirming the work of the teachers.
The Parents Association plays a key and crucial role in promoting partnership in all of these areas.


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