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Global Ministers Council


About Global Ministers Council

Bring light into the near and far



Our activities:

1 Evangelism
Tract ministry – The G M C support the churches to do tracts ministries to print and distribute the tracts, Booklets, Pamphlets and Gospel books which contains the message of God’s love towords the mankind. To all people by passing on the roads by foot walkers and travel in buses and trains and in market places to read and know about Christ and His values.
Village ministry: The G M C will encourage the outreach meetings in various villages among laborers and illiterate, poor and rich alike to promote awareness especially to people whom are brought in blind belief and superstition, free distribution of Holy Bible and gospel books.
Crusade meetings: We conduct mega crusades to proclaim the gospel for all men. We do such meetings in urban and rural areas, and also we conduct gospel crusades in the streets of the residential area, According to the great commission from Mathew 28:18-20 we would do such meetings in Taluk level and District level.
Personal evangelism: We print tracts and booklets and spiritual books also we would purchase gospel books and Bibles for the distribution to all men, we do street play through puppet show, small skits, and films based on the gospel.
Outreach ministry: Outreach ministry would be created periodically along with the different church believers. We would do the outreach through puppet, skit, through film and gospel preaching’s.
Music concerts: We do music concert to reach out younger generation meetings on the worship, and challenges testimonies would be thier always.
Web TV: 24 hours in 7 days gospel would be preached through the web television. Meaningful songs, daily bible verses, leading worship leaders live worships programme will be telecasted in English and Tamil. Live interviews, Challenging testimonies and kids joy time would take part in web TV
2 Training to equip the believers
Soul winning seminars: According 2 Timothy 2:2 “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others”. (NIV) Train all the believers and Pastors, Church workers to Share witness in short time, And to present the gospel to all men at all time.
Prayer seminars: Conduct prayers 24 X 7 in all the local church. Train prayers co- coordinators to conduct prayers sessions in all Churches periodically. Motivate to Believers to pray and to lead other people to pray. Prayer is the back bone for all the good work, what God has entrusted to us.
Discipleship training: The word Disciple has come from discipline to make every believer to be disciplined the word Disciples for their entire life time. We do conduct discipleship training periodically in all the local churches. We believe that only through discipleship every person could be trusted as good servant of the Lord.
Leadership training: We would conduct leadership training for the existing leaders. Make them to be effective leaders according to the bible characters. To the young generations, we would train them how to be a effective leaders in the near future.
Family seminars: G M C believes good families which lives according t the word of God. Based on Ephesians 5: 22- 6:4 we teach Christian values and teaching from the Bible. We teach different duties at family members.
Fasting prayer: Every month we conduct fasting prayer to pray for the needs of the nation. Churches and for the congregations in future we will be moving to District level and taluk level. We also arrange and support the night prayers.
3 Equipping of the saints (Ministers of God)
Advance Leadership training: Since the church leaders are busy in so many ministry commitments. It is very important to the time structure. We teach how to manage the timing without failure. We teach communication skill to develop their ministry skills such as addressing the gospel in the public and speaking in different topics in different churches and groups.
And to make right decision when we handle the team how to be a successful leader and how to involve everyone equally in the team. Everyone in the team should be equally respected and to be involved for the Lord’s service.
Family life: According to St. Paul’s teachings in Ephesians 5:22-6:1-4 we teach family values. When the family is united together, they would build other families for the kingdom. The transparent respect for each other is very important. We would motivate the family to be a good a Godly family.
Ministry life: How the life of the godly ministers should live before God and men. We insist the word of God should be the primary source for ministry life. Ministers should not be judged by any worldly men. We tech how we could walk with God, how we should read the bible systematically. How we can maintain our payer life at all time.
Shepherding the church/ Role of a pastors: We teach systematically what is the role of a pastors. And how to shepherd the church. We believe in team work in the church ministry. We encourage the pastors to find the strength of the each believer and to use them in the various ministry roles. We strongly believe that all believers are called to serve the Lord in the ministry field one way or other.
Relationship with god: We always encourage the servant of God to live a close life with God, and Christ contented life. We challenge the men of God to have a close look on bible characters, and learn from them to maintain good relationship with God.
5 Church planting & Development:
Building new church: We teach pastors to build church with less expense. Church should be self sustaining and self governing. Our churches should meet out their own church needs, and to most likely to meet out of others need and of the local society.
Children church: Through children church we can engage them with the Lord, from the beginning. We conduct VBS, Sunday school so that, these children can be and up in the children church. Songs, worship, text reading everything would be by the children. Family today’s children would become the pillar of the church.
Youth Ministry: We are doing youth ministry we conduct one day youth retreat periodically. We do sports events, and different activities we would arrange tour along side with special retreat.
Adults Ministry through literacy: We are doing adult literacy programme to educate the adult to read and write on their own. We believe, this education would turn anyone’s life at any age.
Bible College: We will be starting short term bible courses in different states of Tamil Nadu. Courses will be in the evening and will be conducted in the morning according to the availability of the student. Through the bible college graduates, we will accomplish the great commission for Mathew 28:18-20.
5 Mercy ministries for poor and needy:
Tuition centers: We are conducting evening free tuitions in the village. Particularly among the down trodden community called “Irula’s”. These children are very much backward in the community. Also the scavenger’s community children are our evening free tuition partners.
Computer Education: We teach computer education, such as DTP, basic operation. We will move on to all the nearby villages for the computer education.
Education Help: We provide for the poor and neediest the school fees and the college fees. Finance should not be a problem for village poor people. And we support for poor pesters children for the real needy.
Health and awareness programme: Because of the health issue there are many illnesses for the poor people in the villages. We conduct small health awareness program in the street corners. And in the churches we train believers to conduct such training in their known areas. Health tips will be given to younger student in the school in small tracts format.
Medical help: Expense is increasing for the medical treatment in these days. For the poor people and for the poor pastor’s families we assist, that where they can have good medical help from the Christian mission hospitals and from the government hospitals. We help buying medicine for poor and real needy.
Old age home: We support old age homes which already exist by conducting prayers, offering counseling, and comfort them. In future we will be conducting the old age homes in different districts of Tamil Nadu and other states. They are most neglected age group by the family and by the fellow society in these developing day’s.
Help to the disabled: We support the orphanages where physically challenged, and mentally ill and retarded people. We would visit such, homes periodically to offer prayer, counseling, and comfort. In future we are planning to start our own home for disabled people.
H I V awareness camps: We teach HIV awareness in the villages and in the cities. GMC would conduct awareness directly in the streets. We also offer training for trainers to teach aids awareness programme to the fellow pastors and volunteers.
Support during natural calamity: During natural disaster such as tsunami, earth quake, and fire accidents. GMC would do all the immediate needs according to the financial strength. We provide clean water for the affected people, provide shelter for the victims.
Tree planting: Now a day’s many trees has been cut off for the building purpose. Since we are doing so we would lose the rain. To compensate that GMC would plant many trees on the road side with can euon produce shade for the travelers. We will plant fruit trees such as Mango, Guava, Papaya, Coconut, and Banana in the forest areas. S that we can avoid forest animals entry to the domestic areas .
Women self well group: Through such groups the basic needs of the neediest common poor people’s need would be met. GMC believes that to reach the most down trodden with the basic facility of the country. Nation’s plans are not reaching all the neediest in the villages and slums, cities all the time.


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