About JAAR (Jersey Action Against Rape)
We are here to prevent and heal the trauma of rape and sexual assault.We will aim to heal by providing and maintaining a supporting framework for survivors and their families that includes a dedicated helpline, website, on site counselling and access to highly qualified and specially trained counsellors and psychotherapists.We will aim to prevent the incidence of rape and sexual assault in Jersey by educating the general public, lobbying the states and generally promoting progressive and forward thinking attitudes regarding survivors of rape and sexual abuse.Not for profit charitable organisation focused upon supporting victims of rape and sexual assault in Jersey. We host a variety of fundraising events and awareness campaigns. Confidential Helpline: 01534 482 800Helpline email: help@jaar.je Office email: admin@jaar.jeOffice telephone : 01534 482 801To donate please follow the link below:http://www.jerseycharities.org/membership-list.html?jcMemberItem=447
Social Link - Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/jersey-action-against-rape
Employee Count: 11
Keywords: non-profit organizations