Historical Medieval Battle International Association (HMBIA) is a non-profit organisation whch aims are:• to make the historical medieval battle a popular cultural and sport movement all over the world;• to engage people of all ages to HMB;• to promote healthy way of life through HMB;• to show through sport battles of HMB the difficulty and danger of real wars and teach people to appreciate friendship and peace;• to introduce HMB as mass leisure activity in which a modern person can challenge himself/herself in totally unusual context of full-contact fight in medieval armour;• to encourage public interest towards the medieval history and care about the cultural heritage.Our values:• good prospects for people involved in HMB;• promotion of medieval culture and sport;• healthy lifestyle;• preserving and researching of world historical legacy;• peaceful lifestyle and sporting competitionHistorical medieval battle (HMB):• is a new movement which quickly becomes very popular all over the world;• is a unique mixture of sport, history and culture;• currently involves professional sportsmen from over 30 countries, 5 continents of the world;• comprises spectacular tournaments and annual world championship Battle of the Nations which is a magnificent show for the whole family; • attracts over 10 000 spectators for each event and over 300000 online views each year;• is full-contact battles 1 vs 1, 5 vs 5, 21 vs 21 and real mass battles in authentic armour;• is a unique content for TV and reality shows broadcasted by local and international channels as well as for historic documentary or popular films;• unique breathtaking show which has a positive influence on local development and international friendship;• is a new opportunity for the people to challenge themselves, to know more about history, to travel ;• is a new movement which promotes healthy way of life and social development
Social Link - Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/hmbia
Employee Count: 4
Keywords: spectator sports