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Russian Footage


About Russian Footage

Видео архив, видео банк, Stock footage,image, music research, rights clearance, author rights, rightholders, video shooting, editing, drones, time-lapse,



Russian Footage is a multifaceted media agency which covers various areas including film and TV production, distribution, music, celebrities, archival and entertainment content available for licensing by agencies, film & TV producers and digital publishers. At the core of RuFootage is our full in-house production team with over 10 years of solid industry experience. Based in Moscow, we provide a complete range of services for film and video production across Russia, CIS and Baltic countries.

Lets face it, one of the biggest issues when filming in a foreign land is understanding the local system, the local customs and generally the way things are done. International film production companies often run into problems shooting in Russia: the bureaucracy is really confusing, logistical challenges seem never-ending, international standards are rarely met, not to mention cultural differences and language barriers. If not handled properly, this can lead to a growing frustration on both sides. With our in-depth local knowledge and extensive network of contacts in business and government, we can solve all these problems, leaving our clients free to make the very most of filming in Russia. We have our own specialized resources in-house and on-demand which gives us a flexibility on time and budget simply unachievable by outsourcing. We are able to work on any level or stage of a project from concept to delivery and employ a wide range of in-house talent as well as equipment. Because of our low overheads, you only pay for the work - not for fancy offices and other stuff. We are all about producing high quality work, it keeps you happy and us busy.

As you know, good creativity requires peace of mind. And that is what we provide you with. Contact us to find out how we can make your upcoming production a stress-free and successful experience from A to Z. Anytime. Anywhere. Under any conditions.

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