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About Lemestia Group

Founded more than 25 years ago as a small construction company in Limassol, Lemestia turned into an international holding company. In order to expand portfolio of offers in 1997 a real estate company Lemestia Properties was organized, which this year opened an office in Moscow, thus becoming one of the first that offered resort overseas property to clients in Russia.Our company has a fundamentally different way of offering property to clients. Analytical Department was created, which effectively operates at the present time and studies the structure of demand for Russian clients, which allows the buyer to make a specific offer adequate for him. The company's portfolio contains several thousand objects located both in the sea, at some distance from the beach and in the foothills. Our specialists are able to offer a variety of property in different price ranges - from budget one bedroom apartments to luxury villas with the author's design.
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Employee Count: 5
Keywords: developing



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