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About Aaron Sim Personal Wealth Manager - HNW

I help you to increase your cash holding, at the same time reduce your liabilities.



I seek long term relationship over anything. I have a strong belief that by fostering a strong long term relationship, business will grow naturally due to trustworthiness.

Throughout my time in the offshore banking sector, I have gained strong experience in servicing client from different countries; fulfilling their banking needs. On top of that, I have performed numerous role in the bank such as; assisting the bank in complying with the banking regulation locally and globally, data management, and is part of the team who did the business system migration (Eclipse) in Citibank.

It is because of my passion in financial planning, and belief in financial freedom which led me into the insurance industry; with the mission to provide excellent financial planning advises to individuals on wealth protection, wealth accumulation, wealth preservation, and wealth distribution.

I strongly believe by implementing the right formula, such as striking a good balance between different investment instruments (e.g. Properties, Bonds, Funds, Equities) and insurance; anybody can achieve financial freedom.

An individual can be assets rich, but cash poor. Most of the time businesses or individuals fail financially not because of the lack of assets, but lack of decent cash flow. Therefore striking balance between the financial instruments (investments and insurance) are essential. Transferring or mitigation of risk are part and parcel of businesses or individuals.

I will be sincerely humbled if I get the chance to assist and advice you in addressing your financial needs locally or globally.

P.S. I have proven track records on how you could consistently perform a average annualized returns of 8% by solely doing Rebalancing or Dollar Cost Averaging of funds. PM me if you are interested to know more. No obligation on any sales or fee.



Before I start I would like to share a story that changed my life. My wife was recently hospitalized with severe gastric pains and the first two questions that came to my mind were: What if this sickness is terminal? Will I be able to afford the best treatment for her? I was lost and in a dilemma, not only on the pain she has to go through but also thinking how will I cope with the hefty medical bills. I was really relieved that she was very well covered by her insurance policy and she is able to get the best treatment. After this incident I realized the importance of having an Insurance policy, it does not resolve all issues but it has definitely lessen my financial worries and we can stay focus on her recovery. In the past, I never understand the need for insurance coverage and feels that it’s a waste of money which can be used for better investments. After this incident, I have a different insight of how important insurance is and how helpful it can be in unforeseen circumstances.

Due to the rising medical cost in Singapore, Singaporeans understands the importance of insurance but undeniably there is still a portion of people that are skeptical and wary of insurance agents offering them insurance products. This weariness arise from ‘black sheeps’ among the insurance industry, unethical agents selling policies to the general public which they have no need for. My advice to my clients is to:

1) Have basic knowledge of Insurance, understand the importance of it

2) Clearly identify the needs and priorities in their life to know what they lack in terms of insurance coverage

3) Discuss and work out a budget with their insurance agent

I would like to share my view on Insurance and why Insurance is essential for everyone. I would suggest that among the numerous Insurance policies that exist today, I find four of them exceptionally beneficial, they are:

This policy covers the entire hospitalization bill (if cash rider is in place).

- LIFE INSURANCE (Income Replacement / Wealth Distribution)
This policy covers death, total permanent disability and critical illness.

This policy covers accidental events which lead to death, total/partial disability. P.S. Even dengue fever and food poisoning are also covered for certain companies.

This policy covers an individual whereby he/she is being deemed unfit for work for a certain period. Resulting in him/her going on unpaid leave, the policy will reimburse a certain portion of his/her monthly salary to the individual on a monthly basis till he/she is fit for work.

Lastly I personally feel that, investment should always be done together with insurance to achieve financial freedom. This is because while investments are put together to maximum the potential returns, insurance should be a tool that protect an investor’s investments against unforeseen misfortune events such as medical bills, loss of income due to illness etc; which may require the investor to liquidate (sell off) his/hers investment even at a loss.

P.S The above represents my personal thoughts and policy holders that are unsure should always clarify with their respective agents.


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