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DFBC - Dili Financial Business Center


About DFBC - Dili Financial Business Center

The DFBC development is an anchor project and a future city icon, raising the real-estate benchmark quality to the ones present in major world capitals.



Item Reviews - 19



23-05-2020 We are extremely happy to announce that we have reach the summit. The DFBC has now reached the 17th slab (Elevator shaft and access stairs struture to the roof top). All concrete structural elements are done. We are very proud to have reach this milestone and would like to thank all our staff and partners for their dedication, commitment and hardwork. This achievement is dedicated to all the Timorese people. The wise generation of dreamers and to the new generation of achievers. Obrigadu Barak. 😀😃😄😁🤩😍🥰


23 May 2020



23-02-2020 Level 14 Done. Two more levels to go!!!🥰😁🤩🤪


24 February 2020



We're very happy to inform that the DFBC has been awarded with the Environmental Certificate by the Environmental Licensing Nacional Agency. We would like to thank the Authority and also Oasis ( that together, worked closely with our engineering team. The DFBC is a project designed to the highest environmental standards and we are very pleased to see this official recognition by the Government of Timor-Leste.


16 February 2020




Following the first public consultation meeting that took place on 17 December 2019 at the DFBC S.A. Facility, Autoridade Nacional de Licenciamento Ambiental (ANLA) has requested DFBC to conduct an additional public consultation meeting to allow the public to truly participate in this process, especially the potentially affected community in the periphery of the DFBC S.A. Block A building construction area, comment on the IEE Documents and t...he project itself ​ Therefore, we hereby would like to invite you to participate in a public consultation meeting that will be held on 06h February 2020, from 09.00am to 12.00pm, at Pateo Shopping Complex, at the premises of DFBC in Colmera, where DFBC and its environmental consultants will explain the environmental process of the project and present the contents and conclusions of the Simplified Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) and the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the project and where the stakeholders will be able to comment on them.

if you need to access the IEE documents and the files please visit for downloading the IEE documents.

Depois de konsulta publika primeiru nebe halao iha 17 Dezembru 2019 iha DFBC S.A. nia fatin, Autoridade Nasional ba Lisensiamentu Ambiental (ANLA) husu ona ba DFBC atu realiza enkontru konsulta publiku adisional atu permite ba publiku atu bele mai partisipa iha prosessu ne'e, liu liu komunidade afetadu nebe besik iha area konstrusaun projetu nebe refere, no mos fo'o komentariu konaba dokumentus Examinasaun Ambiental Inisial no mos projetu refere. ​ Hanesan ne’e, ami konvida ita bo’ot atu partisipa iha encontru publiku nebe sei realiza iha loron 06 Fevereiru 2020, husi 9.00h (dader) to’o 12.00h (meio dia), iha Komplexu Komercial Páteo, Colmera, iha instalasaun DFBC nian, nebe DFBC no sira nia consultor ambiental sei explica konaba prossessu ambiental no mos conteúdo no konklusaun konaba Deklarasaun Impaktu Ambiental Simplifikada (DIAS) no Planu Jestaun Ambiental (PJA) projetu nian, no mos Partes Interessadas bele fo’o sira nia opinião/komentáriu nebe relasiona ho projetu ne’e.

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04 February 2020



02-02-2020 You are now looking into the tallest building of Timor-Leste. Not only the highest but also the one with greatest standards in every single detail, built to sustain the highest seismic threat, the highest energy and water efficiency and the highest safety standards just to name a few. Our team is working hard so that we can reach the summit by April which will be the 16th slab. Please like and share to boost us with your great energy🥰😁🤩🤪


02 February 2020



19-01-2020 Level 13 formwork is done and started to receive the steel structure. We are changing Díli skyline with a modern, top quality, efficient office building and raising the bar for all future developments. Thank you so much for all the support messages. Don’t be shy to give as a like and share this post if you enjoyed it!!! 😃😄🤗😍🤩


19 January 2020



22-12-2019 Wishing all our fans a Merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year. Our team will be looking forward to 2020 and to update you with more work progress in January. Enjoy the holidays :)


22 December 2019



15-12-2019 Level 12 is DONE! We are getting closer and closer to conclude the structure of the 16 in total (including roof top). If all goes according to plan we will reach this objective by April. Big thank you to all our supporters for their wonderful words and encouragement that fuels our hearts and motivates us every day. Like, share a feel free to drop a comment in any language 😃😄🤗😍🤩


15 December 2019




In accordance with article 18 number 5 of Decree Law no.05/2011 – Environmental Licencing and Chapter VI of Ministerial Diploma no. 47/2017 (Public Consultation of SEIS and EMP for Category B projects) the Public Consultation phase of Díli Financial Business Center (DFBC) project ) is underway, under the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), with the following data: The Proponent: Dili Financial Business Center (DFBC) S.A. Address of th...e Proponent: Shop 62, Dili Square, Colmera, Dili, Timor-Leste Type and Dimension of the Project: 15-multistory Office Building Location: The centre of urban area of Vera Cruz Administrative Post, Colmera village. Environmental Authority: Autoridade Nacional para Licenciamento Ambiental (ANLA) Therefore, we hereby would like to invite you to participate in a public consultation meeting that will be held on 17th December 2019, from 09.00am to 12.00pm, at Pateo Shopping Complex, at the premises of DFBC in Colmera, where DFBC and its environmental consultants will explain the environmental process of the project and present the contents and conclusions of the Simplified Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) and the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the project and where the stakeholders will be able to comment on them.

The documents (SEIS and EMP) are available for consultation at


Tuir numeru 5 iha artigu 18 husi Dekretu-Lei no. 05/2011 – Lisensiamentu Ambiental no Kapitulo VI husi Diploma Ministerial no. 47/2017 (Konsulta Publika ba DIAS no PJA ba Projetu Kategoria B), Faze Konsulta Publika ba Projetu Dili Financial Business Center – Block A foin hahu ona iha prossessu Exame Ambiental Inicial (EAI) nia okus, ho dadus tuir mai: Proponente: Dili Financial Business Center (DFBC) S.A. Morada Proponente nian: Loja 62, Dili Square, Colmera, Dili, Timor-Leste Tipu no Dimensaun Projetu nian: Edifisiu Andar 15 atu usa ba atividade eskritoriu Fatin: Iha klaran área urbana Posto Administrativu Vera Kruz nian, Suku Colmera Autoridade Ambiental: Autoridade Nacional para Licenciamento Ambiental (ANLA) Hanesan ne’e, ami konvida ita bo’ot atu partisipa iha encontru publiku nebe sei realiza iha loron 17 Dezembru 2019, husi 9.00h (dader) to’o 12.00h (meio dia), iha Komplexu Komercial Páteo, Colmera, iha instalasaun DFBC nian, nebe DFBC no sira nia consultor ambiental sei explica konaba prossessu ambiental no mos conteúdo no konklusaun konaba Deklarasaun Impaktu Ambiental Simplifikada (DIAS) no Planu Jestaun Ambiental (PJA) projetu nian, no mos Partes Interessadas bele fo’o sira nia opinião/komentáriu nebe relasiona ho projetu ne’e.

Dokumento DIAS no PJA disponível ba konsulta iha local sira

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13 December 2019



08-12-2019 Our crane is now in its final position to conclude the remaining levels. In this week we have also concluded all formwork for level 12 and started the steel structure. We will be bringing you a surprise next week so please stay tuned. Please Like, Share a fell free to drop us a comment in any language as we love to hear your feedback 🥰😁🤩🤪


08 December 2019



01-12-2019 Started to work on the formwork for level 12 as all structural elements were concluded. Our yellow crane will raise once again this week, to become the highest temporary structure in Timor-Leste. Thank you for all your support. Please like and share 🥰😁🤩🤪


01 December 2019



24-11-2019 We would like to thank one of our fans for sending us a different perspective from the DFBC and what an elegant sight Hotel Timor has now from their swimming pool. This week work progress was made on level 11 side walls, center core and raising pillars a little heigher. Curious engineering fact: The DFBC is designed with an enclosed wastewater treatment system that will remove contaminants from wastewater or sewage and convert it into an effluent that can be returned to the water cycle or directly reused with minimum impact on the environment. Environmental issues are also one of our priorities and benchmark best practices are being used thoroughly. Please like and share 🥰😁🤩🤪


24 November 2019



17-11-2019 The 11th level is DONE! And yes we have done it again in a record time (Just 21 days). This engineering team deserves all compliments as their hard and dedicated work can now be seen from all city corners. We are also very proud as to making sure there is a constant awareness of the most important rule: SAFETY FIRST. Thank you guys. Comment and Share if you like it! :)


17 November 2019



10-11-2019 Level 11 formwork done! Some steel elements already assembled. The time line on milestones has been getting better and better and this slab progress is about to break yet another record. Safety is always number 1 and we’re extremely happy for this achievement. Please give as a like, comment and share if you wnjoy what you see. We deeple value all your kind support. Thank you. 😀😃😄😁🤩😍🥰


10 November 2019



03-11-2019 Side walls done and center core moving fast. Time to start the formwork for the next level. Our crane is also getting short and will need to be raised in a few weeks. Thank you for all your support. Please like and share 🥰😁🤩🤪


03 November 2019



27-10-2019 Level 10 done, Wow! We have double digit numerals to brag about from now on and it sure feels great. … BUT WAIT, we won’t stop just yet, no way. Presently we’ve been working with precision on the side walls and center core and each week we feel stronger and more motivated. All your support has been awesome, thank you so much. Please continue to comment and share our posts so that all can learn a little bit more about the DFBC project. 🥰😁🤩🤪


27 October 2019



20-09-2019 All the steel for level 10 slab is done and we are now ready to pump concrete and close it this week. This slab will be accomplished in only 25 days which will be a new record. Big thanks are in order to all the team for their tremendous hard work and dedication. Their progress timeline is impressive on a world scale and not just in Timor. Safety is always a concern and we are very proud to have the cleanest and best organized work site to show every single day. Please Comment and share if you like what you see. 😃😄🤗😍🤩


20 October 2019



13-10-2019 Moving fast on Level 10 formwork after concluding all pillars and center core. We are gradually becoming an important presence in Dili skyline. Message us with your pictures too and thank you for all your kind support. 😃😄🤗😍🤩


13 October 2019



06-10-2019 Level 9 is done and one more milestone has been reached! Presently, moving steady on center core and surrounding walls towards level 10. We are also assembling a clamp stile scaffolding, surround the entire level, to allow for improved working efficiency but also higher safety on the progress towards the next levels. Let us know what you think about this weeks camera angle "stravaganza", please share and thank you for your support.


06 October 2019

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