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IRI in Timor-Leste - Institutu Republikanu Internasional


About IRI in Timor-Leste - Institutu Republikanu Internasional

Strengthening Timor-Leste's multi-party political system & supporting civic education for positive change in Timor Leste's democratic development.



IRI was the first non-governmental organization to work directly with Timor-Leste’s political parties and the only one to do so continuously since 2000. IRI’s programming in Timor-Leste started with programs that helped prepare political parties for the 2001 constituent assembly and the 2002 presidential elections. Since Timor-Leste’s independence was restored in 2002, IRI’s work has supported civic education, bolstered political pluralism, increased political participation of women and youth and strengthened parliament’s constituent outreach efforts. IRI has provided political parties with training programs and technical assistance during every subsequent election season, providing training for over a thousand political party members during the 2012 parliamentary election. Under its current programming, IRI is working with political parties in the lead-up to the 2017 parliamentary elections to enhance their capacity to plan and implement more inclusive, issue-based campaigns. IRI will also work with political parties to develop effective campaign strategies that include grassroots citizen engagement, communicating consistent messages to the public, fully engaging women and youth members in campaign plans and leveraging volunteer and candidate recruitment efforts to encourage leadership development. With a nuanced understanding of the on-the-ground, in-country realities, IRI’s work has strengthened elected leaders, civil society actors and citizens’ ability to positively influence their country’s and their communities’ democratic development.

IRI organizasaun naun-govermental ne’ebe servisu direita ho partidu politiku sira Timor-Leste nian no kontinua nafatin deit desde 2000. IRI nia programa sira iha Timor-Leste hahu ho programa ne’ebe tulun prepara partidu politiku sira iha 2001 ba asembleia konstituante no eleisaun dahuluk presidensial iha 2002. Desde Timor-Leste restaura nia independensia iha 2002, IRI nia servisu mak tulun ona edukasaun sivika, haburas pluralismu politika, hasae partisipasaun politika feto no foin sae sira no hametin ona esforsu parlamentu nia visita ba nia konstituente sira. IRI oferese ona programa treinamentu ba partidu politiku sira no asistensia tekniku durante periodu tempu eleisaun ida ba ida seluk, oferese treinamentu ona ba partidu politiku sira nia membru liu ona rihun ida resin durante eleisaun parlamentar 2012. Parte husi programa sira ne’ebe mak halao dadaun ne’e, IRI servisu hamutuk ho partidu politiku sira atu hasae sira nia kapasidade konaba planu no implementa kampana inklusivu ne’ebe bazeia ba isu/problema sira atu tama ba eleisaun parlamentar 2017. IRI mos sei servisu ho partidu politiku sira atu dezenvolve stratejia kampana efetivu ne’ebe inkluidu kampana iha areia remota ho partisipasaun sidadaun, komunika liamenon ba publiku ho konsistente, involve feto no foin sae sira iha planu kampana ho voluntariu sira no esforsu rekrutamentu kandidatu hodi motiva dezenvolvimentu lideranza. Ho komprendesaun situasaun iha rai laran, realidade ne’ebe iha rai laran, IRI nia servisu hamentin ona lideranza sira ne’ebe eleitu, autor sosidade sivil no abilidade sidadaun atu influensia positivu ba sira nia nasaun no sira nia komunidade nia dezenvolvimentu demokrasia.


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