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Methods for studying more effectively 英文老師: William
Do you ever feel like you spend a lot of time studying English but still learn very slowly? Do you spend hours memorizing vocabulary, only to find that you forget it all within a few days? Here are a few methods psychologists and linguists have discovered which can help you make the most of the time you spend studying and retain what you have learned.
Do you always study in the same room? Studies have shown that that might not be such a good idea. Several different psychological experiments have all shown the same result: if students study a list of vocabulary and then study it again in a different room, they remember more words than students who study it twice in the same room. So don’t always study at the desk in your room. Study in different locations from time to time – the park, a coffee shop, or even just a different room in your house. This is not only more effective but more enjoyable as well!
Just as you shouldn’t always study in the same place, you shouldn’t spend too much time studying the same thing. If you want to study English for an hour, don’t just focus on one thing for the whole hour. If you keep changing the type of material you are studying – 20 minutes on grammar, 20 minutes on vocabulary, 20 minutes on listening, for example – you will remember much more of what you learn.
Finally, it’s important to test yourself as you study. From time to time, close the book and see how much you can remember without looking. Psychologists have found that forcing yourself to try to remember something fixes it in your brain and makes it easier to remember in the future. When you want to memorize vocabulary, do you write the words and their definitions together in a notebook? Research has shown that it’s much more effective to get some small cards or pieces of paper and write the word on one side and the meaning on the other. Look at the word, try to remember what it means, and then turn the card over to see if you were right. In addition to forcing you to exercise your memory, word cards are easy to carry around and make it convenient to study in many different places – on the train, in the bathroom, or even while you’re waiting for a red light.
All of these methods have been tested and proved to be effective. Why not give them a try and see if you can get a little more out of the time you spend studying English?

更有效研讀英文的方法 英文老師Steven
你曾覺得花一大堆時間讀英文,但是仍然學得非常慢嗎? 你會耗費個把鐘頭背單字卻沒幾天又忘光光嗎? 心理學家和語言學家們已經發現最有效利用讀書時間和記住學過東西的方法,介紹如下:
你是否總是在同一個房間讀書呢? 研究指出那可能不是個好主意。數個不同的心理學實驗已顯示同樣結果,就是學生如果背了列出的單字然後在一個不同的房間再背一次,他們記得的單字會比在同一個房間背兩次的人多。所以不要總是在房間的書桌前讀書,偶而換在不同的地方,例如:公園、咖啡店,或著甚至只是家中的另一個房間。這樣讀起書來不但更有效率,也會更愉快。
最後,一邊讀書一邊自我測驗也是很重要的。偶爾把書闔起來,看看你能夠在不看書的情況下記得多少? 心理學家們已發現: 強迫自己記住某件事情時,大腦會把這件事情牢記,進而以後較容易記住這件事。當你要背單字時,是不是把字和解釋都寫在筆記簿上呢? 研究已顯示出把單字寫在小卡片或紙上,然後在背面標明解釋,是比較有效的做法。先看著單字,試著回想它的意思,然後把卡片翻過來看你有沒有答對。除了可強迫自己練習記憶力外,單字卡攜帶方便,也可讓你在不同場合讀英文,像是在火車上、浴室裡,甚至等紅燈時都行。


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