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Item Reviews - 7


" Good visit but need to take ling time from central of Hsinchu city. Able to visit old street as well. "

28 October 2017


" 服務好,溫泉很讚
住宿方面...空間太小不推,但還可以 "

10 October 2017


" 雖然老舊,老闆看似嚴肅,可是體貼顧客的地方,很有客家人外冷內熱的溫柔,溫泉區很好玩,很能放鬆,又離內灣老街很近,很推薦喔! "

20 August 2017


" 蚊子特別多,泡溫泉還要點蚊香,我被叮的身上,腿上都是包,星期假日營業時間到AM10:00~PM12:00,結果呢?10點就在放水,10:30就趕人,這樣對嗎? "

22 May 2017


" The open air public baths are nice and clean. We go in the winter when we need to soak in a hot spring for a couple hours after work. The drive from Hsinchu is not too bad. We're usually there later in the evening during the week so it's almost completely empty. I haven't yet used the cold pools with the jets, either because they shut them down in the cooler weather or because they shut them down at night. The steam room and sauna also don't seem to be turned on when we're there. The water in the shower is a little strange because my skin feels slippery when I'm finished. It's the same feeling as the water in the hot spring. "

30 April 2017


" 我們入住雙人房,是樓中樓的房型,房間內的設備該有的皆有,也非常整潔,床很軟隔音也不差,我們都睡得不錯。入住可以無限次數泡大眾池,水質很棒,額外加價的湯屋也是很乾淨。可惜沒有供應晚餐,只有販賣機的食物、泡麵,不過可以騎車到內灣老街內吃晚餐,附近也有7-11,算是蠻方便的。如果有機會來泡溫泉,我還是會選擇這家,因為溫泉水質真的很好 ! "

06 April 2017


" 泡湯區還不錯,但沒提供泡完的清潔用品,住宿房間改建後樓中樓的隔局很怪,但小朋友開心,唯獨房間內廁所飄出公廁般的臭味最不能忍受 "

03 April 2017

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