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" 冬至應景來買,排了半小時⋯


2)⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️麻糬$30: 白麻糬2個+芝麻粉&花生粉。Q軟好吃,推薦!

3)⭐️⭐️⭐️熱-桂圓湯圓+自選3種料$45: 杏仁稞(有嗆鼻味~應該是香精做的~明明才加個4、5小塊~卻連桂圓湯都有嗆鼻杏仁味~非常不推👎);黑糖粉稞~不錯;芋頭~鬆軟好吃;桂圓湯底~偏甜了~可能叫冰的就不會了。


待試:紅豆湯$45(4料)//米糕粥$45 "

28 October 2017


" 甜食冰冷熱都有,甜度可配合口味調整;甜湯台幣50元有得找,大碗盛八分滿不手軟,可免費加料,附近有地下停車場。 "

15 October 2017


" 主賣花生湯、傳統熱麻糬、湯圓,冬天時有另外賣桂圓粥,夏天時可加冰及配料。花生湯及桂圓粥料多實在,冬天時吃上熱熱的甜點溫暖升上心頭。傳統熱麻糬Q彈好吃,可沾花生粉或芝麻粉享用,搭上花生湯或桂圓粥,相得益彰。 "

15 June 2017


" HOW TO ORDER (as a foreigner)
1) point to the vat of small mochi, signal your hands as a bowl, and say "soup", which is pronounced "tang" with a short "a" sound, not like the orange powder drink, more like tongs you use to grab food.
2) pick if you want red bean (hong dou 紅豆) or peanut (hua sheng 花生) soup. I had the red bean. I'm sure peanut would've been amazing too.
3) pick up to four toppings. I picked the red bean (soup+topping...double!), grass jelly, aiyu, and taro. I basically asked the girl to pick for me.

You should also get the big mochi, topped with either sesame or peanut powder. I got one of each. So delicious.

I thought everything was great! Good texture, good combination of portions. Really nice employee who helped me through the process. "

15 June 2017


" 吃過這麼多的(花生湯),這家[真的很好吃]一入口便溶化了,連老人家也能吃。且還可選擇{甜度}很Q!!! "

12 June 2017

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