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About MUME

MUME, A casual fine dining restaurant in the heart of Taipei City.

Please use our online booking system for making your reservation !!!

General enquires email :

Instagram: @mume_taiwan



感謝大家一路來的支持與愛護!為了提升我們的服務品質及訂位的便利以便縮短客人等候訂的時間,並讓更多客人有機會品嚐MUME的美食,我們即將使用新的訂位系統提供客人線上訂位。訂位的方式只需要透過Facebook網頁上的 ”Book a table” 功能即可馬上訂位!我們將不再接受透過: 電話 / E-mail / Facebook 做訂位。如造成不便,敬請見諒,謝謝!
如有任何疑問,歡迎繼續透過電話 +886 (0) 2 2700-0901於每天下午 14:00 – 17:00 PM之間來電詢問。由於我們沒有專人隨時24小時接聽電話,如漏接或忙線中而無法同一時間接聽其他來電,抱歉讓您等待回應。
我們的營業時間為星期一至星期日晚上18:00-00:00 (最後點餐時間於21:30)。
目前只提供兩個月內的訂位。 餐廳目前只有提供單點菜單,店內每人最低消費為 NT$ 1,500 (吧檯座位除外)。套餐僅提供給預訂包廂的客人 (如有任何過敏或特殊狀況而忌口的食材,請麻煩提前告知,謝謝)。
用餐方式為單點菜色,適用於訂位人數介於1-6位用餐時間以2個小時為限,訂位保留10分鐘 (以訂位時間為準)。 在訂位時間24小時以前取消預訂,將不會收取任何費用。 如於訂位24小時以內通知將收取一人NT$1,500的取消費用。為維護其他用餐客人的用餐品質及權益我們只接受九歲以上的小孩,且並無提供兒童餐及兒童座椅。
*餐廳空間有限, 恕不提供臨時加位服務,增加椅子等服務。如需要更改人數請提早來電告知*
最低消費為NT$20,000。我們的包廂私人包廂位於地下室,無提供電梯。提供套餐 (如有任何飲食禁忌需提前告知)。如客人於48小時內提前告知取消訂位,將不會收取任何費用。48小時以內通知將收NT$10,000臨時取消費用。
*餐廳空間有限, 恕不提供臨時加位服務,增加椅子等服務。如需要更改人數請提早來電告知*
- 開瓶費的收取方式為紅、白酒(750ml) NT$500,香檳、氣泡、Magnum及烈酒為NT$1,000元 (以瓶計算)。
- 本店僅提供蠟燭於單點的甜點上給生日壽星、紀念日或其他慶祝活動外,則無提供其他特別服務。
- 客人可自行攜帶蛋糕到店裡慶祝,但需酌收蛋糕費$500/個。
Good news coming up! Mume has officially stepped into its third year. We have been learning and seeking for ways to improve and make Mume a memorable dining experience for our guests. In order to offer a more efficient and convenient booking service, we will be launching a brand new reservation system on Sunday, 8th of January 2017. From now on, Mume will no longer be accepting reservations through phone-calls / e-mails / Facebook, thank you for your understanding.
Reservations may be made online through Mume’s Facebook page in the future. You may find a reservation tab/link “Book a Table” on our Facebook page to start planning! The new reservation system will be available starting from 12:00 PM on Sunday, 8th of January 2017.
However, please feel free to contact us through phone-calls by calling +886 (0)2 2700 0901 or e-mail: should you have further requests or reservations regarding hosting private events and more. We will still be reachable every day from 14:00 – 17:00 PM (Except for special events / public holiday periods when Mume is closed).
Opening time
18:00 – 00:00 Monday – Sunday (Last order at 21:30 PM)
Reservations of maximum 2 months are available. We only offer a-la-carte menu, tasting menu is only offered in our underground private dining room.
Reservation / Cancellation Policy
On daily basis, we only offer reservation time of either 18:00 (2 hours dining limit) or 20:30 (no time limit, last order at 21:30). All seats are secured for 10 minutes of tardy. In order to secure a table, credit card details are required upon reservation. Any last minute cancellation or change occurs (Last minute cancellation / change: The guest cancels / changes the reservation within 1 day / 24 hours of the dining date or No show) will result in a penalty fee of TWD 1,500 per guest and is NON-REFUNDABLE.
*We may only accept children of 9 years old or older, thank you for your understanding
*Due to our limited dining space, please be noted that we are unable to accommodate any last minute change of number of guests / over-load of seating arrangements. Any change of reservation, please notice us in advance. We will try our best to assist you.
Private Dining Room
- Maximum fits 12 guests (8-10 guests most suitable)
- Underground with NO elevator
- Minimum charge of TWD 20,000 + 10% service charge
- Requires a deposit of TWD 10,000 for guarantee. Any last minute cancellation or change occurs (Last minute cancellation / change: The guest cancels / changes the reservation within 2 days / 48 hours of the dining date or No show) will result in a penalty fee of TWD 10,000 and is NON-REFUNDABLE.
- Offers tasting menu (A-la-carte menu available as supplementary)
- Booking time: 7 PM / 7:30 PM (Last order at 21:30 PM)
*Due to our limited dining space, please be noted that we are unable to accommodate any last minute change of neither number of guests nor over-loads of seating arrangements. Any change of reservation, please notice us in advance. We will try our best to assist you.
Special Occasions
-Corkage fee: White/Red/Sweet wine TWD 500 per bottle (within 750 ml), Champagne/Sparkling/Hard liquor/Magnum TWD 1,000 per bottle
-We may offer a birthday candle to be served with the ordered dessert for birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions; other requests are non-negotiable.
-We require a cakeage fee of TWD 500 for bringing your own cake. The cakeage fee will be waived if you order 2 desserts from us.
-A 10% service charge will be added upon payment
-All outside food and beverages are not allowed
Thank you very much for your support in the past two years. We will continue to improve and strive for the best we can offer to our guests at Mume in the coming future!


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Working Hours :

  • Monday 18:00 - 23:00
  • Tuesday 18:00 - 23:00
  • Wednesday 18:00 - 23:00
  • Thursday 18:00 - 23:00
  • Friday 18:00 - 23:00
  • Saturday 18:00 - 23:00
  • Sunday 18:00 - 23:00

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