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About Rock Foundation Children's Home

Providing food and necessary educational assistance to orphans and vulnerable children. Rock Foundation school-Igayaza P.O.Box



Rock Foundation school-Igayaza P.O.Box
539,Kakumiro,Kibaale,Uganda Email: Rock Foundation
school was started by Pastor Kamukama Denis
of Rock of Ages Bible Church in 2011 as an
initiative to support education for orphans
and vulnerable children. The community
where this school is generally poor and many
cannot afford educating their children in
schools. Pr.Kamukama Denis saw the great
need and started the school mainly aiming at
providing food and necessary educational
assistances to orphans,children from
absolutely poor families,children of elderly
parents,children from broken families,
disabled parents and migrant families. Many
children of these catagories were school
dropouts and this became my concern and
was moved with compassion to help the
1.Providing food for the children 2.providing
scholastic materials to children 3.providing
clothings 4.Providing guidances and
counsellings 5.Training life skills 6. Paying
salary for teachers. The vision is "Transform
the society education by raising a generation
that is exemplary with integrity and God
fearing and working hard The school has a
total enrolment of 312 children. The children
under my direct care are 128 and 81 are
provided with shelter and stay at the
1.Weekly food..........$400 per month
2.Beds 40 double decker.....$450
3.Matresses 20..................$300
4.constructin of two dormitories....$15000 5.
Construction of 10 classrooms.....$25000
1. Shortage of food. Sometimes I fail to
afford a meal per day.
2.Poor classrooms
3.Generally the community is poor and
therefore getting a donation is not easy.
4. Poor shelter.
Sources of funds
1. Comunity members
2. Children who are not orphans and
vulnerable pay some little money which help
to run few school activities school.
3.Sometimes the government gives aid in
form of textbooks and desks. The school now
owns 4 acres of land.
May God bless everyone that gives assistance
of any kind to this school.


Item Reviews - 10



The Lord gets His best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction.


10 May 2018



Romans 8:11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

Happy Easter to you all my dear friends.


02 April 2018



Rock Foundation school-Igayaza P.O.Box 539,Kakumiro,Kibaale,Uganda. Email:

Rock Foundation school was started by Pastor Kamukama Denis of Rock of Ages Bible Church in 2011 as an initiative to support education for orphans and vulnerable children. The community where this school is generally poor and many cannot afford educating their children in schools. Pr.Kamukama Denis saw the great need and started the school mainly aiming at providing necessary ...educational assistances and food to orphans,children from absolutely poor families,children of elderly parents,children from broken families,disabled parents and migrant families. Many children of these catagories were school dropouts and this became my concern and was moved with compassion to help the children.

WHAT I do 1.Providing food for the children 2.providing scholastic materials to children 3.providing clothings 4.Providing guidances and counsellings. 5.Training life skills 6.Paying salary for teachers. The vision is "To Transform the society through education by raising a generation that is exemplary with integrity and God fearing. The school has a total enrolment of 312 children. There 81 children under my direct care.

NEEDS 1.Weekly food..........$400 per month 2. 40 double decker beds.....$450 3.Matresses 20..................$300 4.constructin of two dormitories....$15000 5 . borehole.............. $6000 6. Monthly salary for workers.....$500 7. Mosquito nets.........$200 8.Construction of 10 classrooms.....$25000


1. Shortage of food. 2.Poor classrooms 3.Generally the community is poor and therefore getting a donation is not easy 4. Poor shelter. 5. Shortage of safe drinking water 6. Sometimes there is no money to pay teachers.

Sources of funds 1. Some support from friends 2. Children who are not orphans and vulnerable pay some little money which help to run the school.

The school now has 4 acres of land May God bless everyone that gives any kind of assistance to this school. Any assistance will put a smile on the face of a child. You donation or support will give a child a privilege of accessing education like any other children who are in their homes.

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09 February 2018




Ecclesiastes 8:11-12 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him.


25 January 2018



Today we prayed for our Primary Seven Candidates who will be sitting for their National final examinations called Primary Leaving Examinations next week Thursday and Friday. I request that you keep them in your prayers.


29 October 2017



I thank God for those friends who are supporting the children's home.


18 November 2016



Rock Foundation school-Igayaza P.O.Box 539,Kakumiro,Kibaale,Uganda. Email:

Rock Foundation school was started by Pastor Kamukama Denis of Rock of Ages Bible Church in 2011 as an initiative to support education for orphans and vulnerable children. The community where this school is generally poor and many cannot afford educating their children in schools. Pr.Kamukama Denis saw the great need and started the school mainly aiming at providing necessary ...educational assistances and food to orphans,children from absolutely poor families,children of elderly parents,children from broken families,disabled parents and migrant families. Many children of these catagories were school dropouts and this became my concern and was moved with compassion to help the children.

WHAT I do 1.Providing food for the children 2.providing scholastic materials to children 3.providing clothings 4.Providing guidances and counsellings. 5.Training life skills 6.Paying salary for teachers. The vision is "To Transform the society through education by raising a generation that is exemplary with integrity and God fearing. The school has a total enrolment of 312 children. There 81 children under my direct care.

NEEDS 1.Weekly food..........$400 per month 2. 40 double decker beds.....$450 3.Matresses 20..................$300 4.constructin of two dormitories....$15000 5 . borehole.............. $6000 6. Monthly salary for workers.....$500 7. Mosquito nets.........$200 8.Construction of 10 classrooms.....$25000


1. Shortage of food. 2.Poor classrooms 3.Generally the community is poor and therefore getting a donation is not easy 4. Poor shelter. 5. Shortage of safe drinking water 6. Sometimes there is no money to pay teachers.

Sources of funds 1. Some support from friends 2. Children who are not orphans and vulnerable pay some little money which help to run the school.

The school now has 4 acres of land May God bless everyone that gives any kind of assistance to this school. Any assistance will put a smile on the face of a child. You donation or support will give a child a privilege of accessing education like any other children who are in their homes.

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10 September 2016



You are the reason these children can. Smile this week.


04 June 2016



Love With Compassion -JOB 6:14-23 Key Verse: "To him that is afflicted pity should be shewed from his friend; but he forsaketh... the fear of the Almighty" (Job 6:14). The Vulgate, a Latin version of the Holy Bible, aptly captured the attitude of Job's friend, Eliphaz, when it stated, "Qui tollit ab amico suo misericordiam, timorem Domini dereliquit. " This, when interpreted, means, "He who takes away mercy from his friend, has cast off the fear of the Lord. " Job, by all implications, deserved mercy from his friends when he was afflicted. Unfortunately, he got the reverse. Eliphaz had, in effect, despised Job, even when he should have known that "a friend in need is a friend indeed. " Job's friends supported one another in an attempt to smear his reputation. They felt that he might have committed some sins to have warranted such affliction upon his life. Through their approach, they promised him much sympathy and compassion, which raised Job's expectations. He later discovered, through their conduct, that they were physicians of no value. Job described his friends as dry streams, which travellers could not rely on. When his life was good, they were good friends, but when he had troubles, they could not help him. Rather, they maligned him with unkind words and actions. There are some so-called Christians who are like Job's friends. Normally, when a man has troubles, his friends should support him. Even unbelievers give support to their friends in hardship. Yet, some brethren use the opportunity to besmear their fellow brethren, instead of rendering assistance. We ought to support one another. The Scripture says, "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2). We should help people who need our help and also sympathise with them. You get God's blessings when you come to the aid of others. Thought for the day: Bearing one another's burden is the highpoint of brotherly love and kindness.

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19 April 2016



Rock Foundation school-Igayaza P.O.Box 539,Kakumiro,Kibaale,Uganda. Email:

Rock Foundation school was started by Pastor Kamukama Denis of Rock of Ages Bible Church in 2011 as an initiative to support education for orphans and vulnerable children. The community where this school is generally poor and many cannot afford educating their children in schools. Pr.Kamukama Denis saw the great need and started the school mainly aiming at providing necessary ...educational assistances and food to orphans,children from absolutely poor families,children of elderly parents,children from broken families,disabled parents and migrant families. Many children of these catagories were school dropouts and this became my concern and was moved with compassion to help the children.

WHAT I do 1.Providing food for the children 2.providing scholastic materials to children 3.providing clothings 4.Providing guidances and counsellings. 5.Training life skills 6.Paying salary for teachers. The vision is "To Transform the society through education by raising a generation that is exemplary with integrity and God fearing. The school has a total enrolment of 312 children. There 81 children under my direct care.

NEEDS 1.Weekly food..........$400 per month 2. 40 double decker beds.....$450 3.Matresses 20..................$300 4.constructin of two dormitories....$15000 5 . borehole.............. $6000 6. Monthly salary for workers.....$500 7. Mosquito nets.........$200 8.Construction of 10 classrooms.....$25000


1. Shortage of food. 2.Poor classrooms 3.Generally the community is poor and therefore getting a donation is not easy 4. Poor shelter. 5. Shortage of safe drinking water 6. Sometimes there is no money to pay teachers.

Sources of funds 1. Some support from friends 2. Children who are not orphans and vulnerable pay some little money which some little money.

The school now has 4 acres of land May God bless everyone that gives any kind of assistance to this school. Any assistance will put a smile on the face of a child. You donation or support will give a child a privilege of accessing education like any other children who are in their homes.

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13 July 2015

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