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Youth Actions for Developmental Change



Item Reviews - 10



WHO IS FOOLING WHO? As we rejoice and start planning how we can lay strategies how to win in Local council Elections that is set by those who miserably cancelled after we had left with hours to elections and after disbursing all the funds required to run the whole process. It was alleged that the process was excluding students and school children who were doing their exams at different levels who qualified to engage in an electoral process. Its un fortunate that even the new... set date shall not find our children at home to get what they were being denied at first place in September Last Year. Who will transport a student to go and vote from Kampala to Kabale to vote for local councils and other long distances where our children are studying from? Now who is fooling who? Mr.Tweheyo who was thanked by scooping a fat job in secretariat for RDCs for challenging the process on behalf of the government or the government it or us who are happy that the election process is on again? Where is Uganda heading if I may ask myself as I forward it to all Ugandans? We shall fear to die because of Museveni’s death style but we shall finally of die foolishness! Surely money talks Oh Uganda may God uphold thee

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17 June 2023



UGANDANS STILL WAITING FOR THE JUDGMENT DAY! Our parents were fooled by the dictator Museveni that Education is the key to success and prosperity for their children and their grand children. They went ahead and sold the little they had to take their children to school so as to compete for high and white-collar jobs of the illiterate government. How can someone who has never taken his child to postgraduate studies lead the professionals and consultants? By the way, where can h...e get the guts to do such responsibility to your child if he had fail to do it for his own as we all know that charity begins at home! Someone who does not know the cost of education is not worth to lead the educated generation and advice otherwise. How can he even value it while seeing his children who never took studies serious and are harvesting with two hands and those who are learned are on the streets yarning as if yarning is the quality and characteristic of a learned person! It’s all about talking equal opportunities and independence of sectors and ministries but there is nothing like #EqualOpportunities and #Independency of any organization in Uganda. How can someone who studied from St. Mary’s Kitende be compared to that of Kyamate S.S in Ntungamo municipality where there are no enough scholastic materials with the first class schools in Kampala and call that equality!. If we can’t manage to level all government schools, then the grading system should change or else stop talking about equal opportunities in this government. Independent judiciary in Uganda as we wait in vain the Judgment of #Togikwatako that was conducted in Mbale now almost to a month while submissions were done in two to three weeks. Where is the independence of judiciary if they can’t stand on the side of truth? Maybe, they are waiting for a hand shake from the predator. Ugandans we need to decide whether to be on the side of truth and say no to mistreatments or decide to be in bed with the dictators and adopt the conditions they need us to be. God Bless you God bless Uganda and Ugandans For God And My Country.

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12 May 2023



ON THE HIKE OF UNEMPLOYMENT IN UGANDA With rampant hiked level of unemployment in the country, government has ignored the advice of UMA (Uganda Medical Association) not to import 200 doctors from Cuba to Uganda claiming that Uganda has enough Doctors and specialists but lacks remunerations and better working conditions but the government has turned a deaf ear on that matter. On top of importing Cuban doctors to in the name of supplementing the existing ones, it is alleged tha...t, they will be given all the requirements that had been denied to Ugandan doctors on top of high pay of 5.4M while the government of Uganda proposes to pay Ugandan doctors 4.5. The chairman for UMA has said that if all their demands are not met by the government, even if it imports million other specialists from different countries, they will still join them to strike. Repatriation of government money and other resources does not foster development but instead it deters it. When this issue was talked about early November last year, minister Aceng denied it calling it rumors and is the same person signing and sealing the deal and as I was still wondering who is responsible for decelerating development in Uganda!, Advisory issue to the president who is all in all for Ugandans has catalyzed all sorts of un informed decision makings President has ever made and hence little or no development. Other issues are about CHOGM, Presidential Donations, presidential term limit court rulings and finally Local council elections that were halt late last year. With CHOGM agenda or topic “Towards a common future” With my simple analysis I don’t see oil mixing with water at any time t. As it was once said that a sleeping NRM MP is worth than Active Opposition MP and if it comes to head of states, a sleeping Ugandan president is worth than Active and Alert Rwandan president! Really! This is a syndrome. Mr. President Thanks for your representation and welcome back to the pearl of Africa Presidential donations recently to Rukungiri and other parts of the country has done more harm than good, donations have never been intended for development but for charity and for times of emergency. I wonder what kind of emergency Museveni was curbing in Rukungi to disburse billions of money as his government had failed to pay electricity bills and a certain hospital using candles to give light to patients and to light the whole hospital. Maybe if it is election emergency because Rukungiri is going in for by-election for Woman MP. Mr. President, why do you become active when you want to benefit and you live our country to die in poverty. The ruling has taken long as if it is a complicated matter, something that is seen with the necked eyes of 9 year old pupil, taking days and months for solution! I wonder if there would come out a fair judgment in #ConsentTo85% OfUgandans. God bless you God bless Uganda and Ugandans For God And My Country

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21 April 2023



WELCOMING MUSEVENI WAS THE WORST AND REGRETTING SCENARIO UGANDANS HAVE EVER MADE. As we celebrate the thirty second Easter remember the captivity of Ugandans in the prison of Museveni reign. One old man said that, he regrets harboring Museveni from the defenders of Ugandan and Ugandans while in the bush war. Welcoming him like a child and turning a looter was his turning point for his family and his country. When you allow a looter to enter into your house and you accept to d...ine with him or her and thereafter you go to sleep, he will woke up and tie you up and you become helpless and this is the scenario the Ugandans are facing today for allowing Museveni to seat in their house. Being silent and tolerant does not mean Ugandans are free to excise their rights and freedoms as it is well stipulated in Ugandan constitution. Museveni has used silent measures to attain loyalty to the party members and blindfold Ugandans that he is a good person and he himself has never thought of being good to Ugandans. He has used all directives and they are yet to get finished and the final thing shall be #Don’tMoveOutOf YourHouses. Stop communicating with friends and family on facebook and Whatsapp if you are to do so, you have to pay; its implication is that the b poor have nothing to say about their country affairs. HAPPY EASTER TO YOU ALL UGANDANS For God And My Country

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30 March 2023



COMMUNIST MWENDA.M.ANDREW This rain reminds me of the one that couldn’t hold Museveni and his men patience to attack Kabamba barracks to steal some fire arms for the bush war. It rained and wherever they could pass, they could leave some footsteps and in their mind they knew that no matter what they can do, people in the morning shall get to know them and they had left with no alternative but to attack there and then. Back to Mwenda M Andrew, this guy eversince he lost his f...riend Afande Kazini, he lost hope and he is now a hopeless man and what he minds about is his life in fear of losing it to the dictator Museveni. Mwenda is doing what is right for himself and he stopped long ago working on the ethics of journalism but following Museveni’s instincts. It is shameful for a person like Mwenda to abandon his character and opts for cheap popularity and money from the looters. It is again a shame to his boss Museveni to mention the word LOOTERS when he himself is the chief looter. History is there in the “CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE” by Hon. Kirunda Kivejinja. Museveni, where do you get moral authority to call Some Ugandans looters when you are the initiators of looting in Uganda and your neighbors from Tanzania? I have never came a crossed the word Looter in my past life until a read this book and to surprisingly relating to your evasion of Kampala and you took all that belonged to Ugandans. Congratulation for achieving the award of CHIEF LOOTER in our land of milk and honey and the Pan-Africans Mwenda and Museveni are all hopeless people and what they mind about is their future and to keep themselves in their positions and protect their families and has left our country in dilemma of endless poverty. How can you fight poverty from Ugandans when you have not worked hard for what you have? In summary Mwenda M Andrew’s analysis is his, baseless and undependable and what is amusing is that he knows the truth. For God And My Country

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20 March 2023



WHO IS THIS ANNIMAL? The concerned body should swing in to find out where this animal called #BrianWhile source of money and the way he dishes them out with his #LeftHand. I don’t believe that #BrianWhite is the richest man on this land and his generosity that has raised concerns in the country and mostly on social media and where was he before? That he has become phenomenon in these two years. You can’t deceive the country that NRM failed to pay his workers and got the money... to give #BrianWhite to dish it out recklessly! If this money has no hidden motive of which I rarely don’t believe that it is not true! The government of #NRM has done it all talk about witches on radios, TVs announcing themselves of the activities they do, killings, corruption, raping constitution and celebrate as other die of hunger and now #BrianWhite the richest guy on the land from the Blue. What went wrong with #Museveni of 1982 and of 2005-current Uganda of now? If #Museveni changed on the way, then what happened to the regulatory bodies in the country? The whole country is turning to mafia state as we look on! All the patriots are losing heart as the country degenerates on grounds of witchcraft, Guns, Money and power! Where are you the leaders of opposition or you are like Odinga who make his people die and after wards reconcile with his opponent on top of innocent blood? If he knew that he could work with his rival, then why waste resources and people’s precious time. It’s disgusting to hear such news in Kenya. To all Ugandan youth, it’s our time to foster the desired change and shape the future of our country or else we shall follow others as we cry that the place is hostile to live in. If we fear to die and risk in our business, we shall always harvest nothing. To Ugandans abroad, those are not your country and bear it in mind that one day you may cease to be part of those country and you are left with no option but to come back, Even if you may be enjoying or hustle for life Never forget that where you are is not your mother land and you need to contribute in shaping our country for today and future generation. FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY.

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09 March 2023



AS MOST OF UGANDANS CELEBRATE THE DROPPED AND THE APPOINTED I am so thankful that Mr. Museveni did not mention Uganda in his words while exercising his power given to him. Mr. President I don’t understand when you talk of constitution and I was asking myself which constitution? The Ugandan one or the East African Constitution? Maybe the Kenyan Constitution, who knows! Anyway, we don’t want to know where you draw your power but we want to see Ugandans and their property secur...ed from the Mafias and the kidnapers of our people. As you do your dirty games in business, remember not to sacrifice the innocent lives likes of Magara Susan and many other Ugandans who don’t have the capacity to be known or published in the news papers and other Medias. There is no individual greater than the other irrespective of the education level, office held, money or anything you can mention. As you exercise your power, allow Ugandans to exercise their power given to them by the constitution of the republic of Uganda. By the way don’t know where you could be because Ugandans released you from duty long time ago, as you plan whatever you plan, also seek refugee somewhere else because Uganda is a hostile place for you to live in. TO THOSE WHO WERE FIRED: If given any position to serve the nation and you decide to serve personalities/individuals, you are doomed to serve the little time you can’t imagine. Remember again that if you are not a Mafia you can’t work with Mafias and if you accept to work with them and you are not, then you have to walk like them to fulfill their commands, thanks #General. #Tumukunde because you refused to walk like mafias that’s why you are dropped and never mind because you are saved from the daily worries of sitting on a burning stove. For Kaihura thought that all missions are endless but his has ended but still you are a movie star because you are still alive and sound. But remember to take care of your life as any Ugandan but for you at least you can go home but where will Tumukunde go? Just wondering! TO THOSE WHO WERE HIRED: If you see a man divorcing a mother of his children, what about you who has never given birth with him? How will you think? Gen. Tumwiine am so sympathetic with you because all along you have been outside the scenes but now you gonna be revealed and remember you must walk like your boss, will you? Or you will fire the first bullet for the second revolution of fighting for Ugandans! Okoth Ochola you must work for people and speak the truth because the bible says, always say the truth because the truth can set you free. Be like Afande Kirumira and speak the truth and never ever one time manipulate the information in the name of your boss because you want to please him. That man can never be pleased. Take it or leave it FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY

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04 March 2023



IS IT AN OBSESSION OR LOVE FOR THE COUNTRY? I don’t know what to call this feeling I have for the so called heroes of Museveni 317 and the way they take Uganda and Ugandans for granted. If they have power and authority over everything as they insinuate, let them not come to us again to waste our time that we should go for referendum, let them just pass it into law as they do their staff. Do we really matter to you? In 1999 at Kisangani, order from above through the fallen h...ero Afande Kazini slashed 700 and more Ugandans but Uganda did not stop from there and millions in the bush war neither Uganda did not change its name to be called America but remained Uganda and still we are. These 317 called MPs plus One Idiot who thinks knows everything and love Uganda are a liability to Uganda and to all Ugandans and its resources. If we lost 700 and more at Kisangani why can’t we lose 317 only and save millions of Ugandans who are dying of conditions that are minor. Where the people who were planning with Afande Kazini if they truly wanted a better Uganda, they should rise up and even if NATO does not recognize a government that come to power by using a gun, we must defy the orders of NATO by eliminating the 317 and their boss and we can institute civilian government after which we can organize our country through a democratic ways and principals. Ugandan opposition should stand on their two legs and defy the orders of NATO to restore democracy in Uganda. By the way ever since Donald Trumph was elected America’s president in 2016, I stopped hearing elections in the country but only development and fulfilling his pledges he made during elections campaign but Ugandans we are always politicking and waste resources in non developmental projects as we care for the next #Elections not the next #Generation. Whoever talks the truth, that is the enemy for development and growth for Uganda when the actual haters of development are sited just watching how the country is sinking deep as they are spending tax payer’s money in buying sex workers from the streets and eating roasted meat from kisigiri. We have said much but we need action to take its course otherwise there is no future for our children and the next generation in the hands of Museveni For God And My Country

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25 February 2023



ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, “UGANDAN YOUTH” Time has passed we last talked about the delayed UCE results but our UACE results are out in exact line with UCE. We had hopes that our minister of education would be around to some of an answered questions ranging from delayed UCE and the poor performance of UACE and the increased UNEB registration fees for our schools but that did not happen. Whom should we consider to replace the minister to answer all these questions? Many things has happ...ened in our country including laying off works by the giant NRM secretatiat and broken promises by both the unlawful ruling party and the opposition part mostly FDC about conducting local council elections if the former fails to fulfill her promise of which I see it as a failure already but I have not heard any preparations by the opposition to arrange the elections!. The government plans to borrow 700bns for civil servants payments as we approach the third year of the term budget and public address from the beloved president. I had told you before and I will still tell you this; whatever legislators wrongly pass into law that comes with consequences like increased fuel taxes, transport fairs, electricity fairs, school fees and now registration fees and my things has happened here in our land. Remember when all that happen the burden lands to us the final consumers of the services and goods. We are spending most of the time in politicking instead of working for our people who gives us the mandate/authority on their behalf but instead we mind about our business and we wait to buy them off during elections after they have lived a miserable life for more than ten years and some lost their loved ones in an forgettable ways. To all Ugandans who think that westerners that is west part of Uganda that we are well off! Get it from me and today that most parts of Uganda are better than us by far, we have all kind of selfish ministers and some of our districts have two ministers but we have failed to revive our Air port at Nyakisharara, Our referral hospital is in a dilapidated state, we are congested we can’t even graze more than 10 cows, we have most tourist attraction sites but not developed, our towns have no toilets and are sub-standard to mention but a few. If am wrong please disapprove me. Western, Northern Central and Eastern, we are all Ugandans and we all need each other to take Uganda to heights we want it to be. This is a general cause, Museveni, Besigye, Muntu and other prominent leaders here in our country will leave us and we soon or later due to the conditions we are living in shall follow them but Uganda shall stay forever Let’s put back our differences because they can’t help us fight hunger neither corruption nor revolutionaries us for the second time. The first revolution was for peace and order and now we need second revolution for development and revival of our organizations and cooperatives and recreational facilities for growth. For God And My Country

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21 February 2023



REST IN PEACE MOZEY RADIO It’s true that most of us take long to believe such bad news when communicated to us but the fact shall always be the fact that Mozey is gone and he ran his races to the final destination where by all of us must one time encounter. The main message is that; when such news comes to our ear drums and down to our mind and then into our hearts, we reflect what has happened to our lives and what we went through and start comparing with the deceased and s...ometimes he/she had lived at least a better life than you. That comes with the negative attitude to some of us and at the end we lose hope in ourselves, feel devastated, disappointed and helpless and if you are such a person who can’t control your emotions, many have ended up involving themselves in dangerous acts which sometimes takes and terminates their lives. My brother, my sister when such situation arises, Just look onto God who gives us good people and takes them away after they have fulfilled their purpose in life. Mozey Radio fought a good fight and through his music and other engagements has changed many lives and since you are still alive, it means that your race is still on and as you ran your rays remember not to harm anyone and always to be fair in your judgments and endeavors. Mozey has ticked all his days on his calendar and you are still ticking yours, so hold on my brother my sister may be you might be the one to finish or start from where Radio has stopped. Never ever one time, think about terminating one’s life or your life for someone has died of whichever death as we always say that, there is no human being who dies on his/her own! Whether natural death, killed or bewitched, it is death and those who terminate other peoples’ lives without authority from God, they are committing worst crime on earth and they shall pay back any time by the one who avenges for us and never ever try to avenge for you because it’s like adding an insult to an injury. So let the master of revenge do it for you. Let’s grieve with those who are grieving and rejoice with those who are rejoicing and after that we go to work because here in Uganda Its God for us all and a man for himself. Workout how you should be remembered and celebrated as we remember Radio for his contributions to the country and Ugandans at large. For God And My Country

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01 February 2023

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