Harmony Hospice Tucson
About Harmony Hospice Tucson
Mission of Harmony HospiceThe Mission of Harmony Hospice is to provide excellent and compassionate hospice care while creating a community bond through the professional services of our staff and volunteers.Philosophy of Harmony HospiceHarmony Hospice's philosophy of care focuses on the quality of a person's life through pain and symptom management. It supports medical, emotional, and spiritual needs. It helps not only the patient, but provides support for the entire family.Hospice is about living. People tend to think that choosing hospice means choosing death, but it means choosing to live life to the fullest. The goal of Harmony Hospice is to make the most of the time that our patients have left.There may no longer be the possibility of curing the illness, but patients can choose to spend the time that they have with the ones that they love, finding peace and comfort in life.
Social Link - Facebook: https://facebook.com/pages/Harmony-Hospice/153018411521936
Social Link - Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/harmony-hospice-tucson
Employee Count: 14
Keywords: hospitals & health care