Foothills Consulting Group
About Foothills Consulting Group
Foothills Consulting Group (FCG) was founded in 2003 by two longtime veterans of the IT industries. With the acquisition of veteran project delivery expertise (OpenSource Advisors), FCG leadership has over 80 years of delivering IT solutions.
Our IT service offerings include, but are not limited to: Business Strategy, Governance, Business Intelligence, ERP, CRM, Supply Chain, e-Commerce, Web Development, Database and System Administration.
Whether in support of a Project Augmentation, Staff Augmentation or Critical Permanent Resource, Project Ownership can reside with Foothills, the Client, or in some combination. Likewise, our capabilities can include the full project responsibility, provide the entire team, a subset of the team, or simply backfill your legacy or project requirements.
Foothills Consultants can perform your IT tasks for you as we mentor you staff in the skills that they will require to remain productive. Our staff is experienced in full system life cycles so that you can engage our services where they add the most value to your IT team.