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About Oakmont Health Careers Academy

The Oakmont Health Careers Academy is a voluntary three year college preparatory program that offers an emphasis in healthcare studies.


The Oakmont Health Careers Academy was started in 1995, and is a voluntary three year college preparatory program. This program is open to all students in the Roseville Joint Union High School District. The Academy provides highly rigorous and relevant curriculum that stresses real world application for students interested in medical careers. Freshman students interview for admission, commit to improving their academic standing and demonstrate strong motivation to explore a future in healthcare.

The Health Careers Academy curriculum and exposure to the medical world gives students a strong foundation for entrance to medical careers that cannot be derived from even our honors and AP classes. Academy graduates have the personal and leadership skills to be very successful in postsecondary education and in the professional world.

The Academy program includes technical courses at four levels. In these classes, students have experiences that typically do not occur until the medical school level. In two of the Medical Technology courses, students observe or participate in activities such as: monitoring Electrocardiograms (EKGs), open heart surgery, interpreting for non-English speaking patients, and administering Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to emergency room patients.

Health service workers have to work in close partnership with others and trust between professionals is critical. To ensure that students are prepared for the service and relationship aspects of these professions, the Academy provides opportunities to focus on teamwork and service. Students will learn to work as a group not only through class work, but by activities like preparing breakfasts for classmates, and the Academy faculty. Trust is established through activities like rock climbing at Granite Arches, and working together to certify their clinical skills.
The familial environment, supportive staff, teambuilding, and leadership opportunities the academy provides help our students succeed.


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