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About Investor Power Team

The Investor Power Team website is dedicated to creating relationships between real estate investors and what we, as investors, call our Team Members. Our real estate investing Team, consists of Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, Attorneys, Accountants, Contractors, and many more individuals and companies that make us successful as investors. Investor Power Team is a place where investors can come when they are in need of a specific team member.For example, I received a call from my tenant that I have a roof leak, where can I find a good roofer? Or, I own a parcel of land that I want the zoning changed and I need an Attorney that specializes in zoning changes in my area, where can I find one? On Investor Power Team, investors recommend the Team Members that they work with, and other investors can review them. The Investor Power Team staff will also actively seek out Team Members to add to the site. Also, check out our other features on the site such as the articles section and education section. We are dedicated to providing a platform for real estate investors to find great Team Members.
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Employee Count: 3
Keywords: connecting investors & team members



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