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About SCOOP Nemeth, LLC




The Six Goals of My Women's Clothing Line:

1) sexy for liberals even single men (who love looking at a woman's legs, chest and belly)

2) tasteful for conservatives: church-goers, concerned parents, school administrators and employers with a strict dress code

3) taking a stand against body image issues: allowing a woman to feel happy in her own body; no matter what her body type, breast size or body height

4) time-saver for woman: she hates changing from work clothes to party clothes after work, nor does she hate wasting time getting ready for work

5) conflict resolver for couples: he wants his woman to dress in skimpy outfit, but she wants to dress in something tasteful.

6) for ALL women, not just young women, but older women as well of all ages can wear sensual and sporty something like that. (From teens to seniors)

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