Hartford Consortium for Higher Education
About Hartford Consortium for Higher Education
Empowering and Investing in Connecticut's students for College, for Leadership, for Life.
HCHE fosters collaboration between its 11 member institutions and other stakeholders, offering solutions for the challenges of higher education in Connecticut.
"Empowering and Investing in Connecticut's students for College, for Leadership, for Life".
The Hartford Consortium for Higher Education is concerned with and committed to addressing issues of educational equity, access to higher education, improved post-secondary outcomes for at-risk youth, transition to college and degree completion.
The Mission
The Hartford Consortium for Higher Education (HCHE) is committed to strategic, collaborative initiatives of excellence across its member campuses, non-profits and stakeholders for high potential, underserved students to increase college persistence and retention, leading to substantive community impact and sustained economic development.
The eleven HCHE members:
Central CT State University, Capital Community College, Charter Oak State College, Goodwin College, Hartford Seminary, Manchester Community College, St. Thomas Seminary, Trinity College, UCONN-Greater Hartford Campus, University of Hartford, University of Saint Joseph.
The five HCHE programs:
Career Beginnings | Jr. Apprentice | JAG CT | The Center for Higher Education Retention Excellence (CHERE) | College Supports Networks.