Mercy High School is a private, Roman Catholic, all-girls high school in Middletown, Connecticut located within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich. Their brother school is Xavier High School (Connecticut).HistoryRecognizing the need for Catholic secondary education in Middlesex County, the Diocese of Norwich opened Mercy High School for girls and Xavier High School for boys in 1963. Mercy High School's first class of young women began school under the direction of the Sisters of Mercy in temporary quarters on the second floor of Xavier High School. On Palm Sunday, March 22, 1964, the groundbreaking ceremony for Mercy High School took place. City officials and members of the clergy from throughout Middlesex County assisted His Excellency the Most Reverend Vincent J. Hines, D.D., Bishop of Norwich. The blessing ceremony of the Mercy High School building was held in September 1965 and classes began at that facility.The first class graduated from Mercy High School in 1967.Mercy is an all girls high school that is class LL and offers sports. Their mascot is a tiger and the school basketball team won the state championship in 2013.A senior student at the school launched a petition on Change.org in March 2017 to change the school's policy on not allowing students to bring a female guest to the school prom. While the first petition was taken down a few days later, the student making an unverified claim that she was pressured to remove it, a second was launched by a local resident with a similar request. In response to the petition, the school the school's president stated that it requires students to attend the prom "alone or in the company of a friend or friends of their choosing" but that "the expectation has been that a Mercy student's date be male."