Venice Florida Real Estate ERA Preferred Properties of Venice
About Venice Florida Real Estate ERA Preferred Properties of Venice
Venetian Golf & River Club a Lifestyle Community
That's great news for you, because it's what you want in a realtor.
What separates us from the rest ?
We eat, live, and breathe houses............
Not literally. That's impossible. But we do know every floor plan, lot location & history of each resale home in Venetian Golf & River Club. We know NEW CONSTRUCTION; we know what’s behind the walls! No matter the type of house, we know the ins and outs for every buyer.
We've been around the block..........
If it can affect buying or selling--interest rates, market conditions,we're on top of it. Our years of experience are always at work for you.
Service that's unsurpassed..................
Sometimes things come together right away. Other times, fitting home for buyer takes longer. We don't sleep until we've delivered for you--no matter how daunting the task. We are live, no answering service, we will respond to phone calls immediately.