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About IMab Consulting

IMab Consulting is a business consulting firm which specializes in promoting investment in Africa. We provide a wide range of business services including intercultural and language training, relocation services, organization and planning of international Business and Trade Conferences as well as leadership development. Our region of focus is the Sub-Sahara African continent and particularly French speaking countriesIMab consulting is your gateway into the African market and people. Africa is becoming one of the fastest growing markets in the world. Our goal is to get our customers ready to close deals. Over the past 10 years IMab has developed strategic relationships on many continents including Africa. Our extensive network of organisations and people includes but not limited to government officials, business executives, specialist service companies and regional associate companies that have the expertise to work on international projects.Since we believe that expertise and experience go hand in hand, we provide the necessary skills and know-how for clients who want to develop new strategies to maintain and create a competitive edge in an African business environment.Integrity, commitment, practicality and quality are the important characteristics of IMab philosophy.Focus region: French Speaking countries in the Sub-Sahara African continent.
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Keywords: international trade & development



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