Metamora Township High School Announcements
About Metamora Township High School Announcements
Daily Bulletin for Monday, May 20, 2013
Email announcements:
Pass-fail: Juniors: Your form must be turned in to the guidance office no later than Friday, May 24 by 3:30 p.m. tw
AP US History Students: If you are taking AP US History next year, please see your World History teacher or Mr. Linder to get the assignment for summer reading. It is also on Mr. Linder's US History page under class files. dl
If you have any Snowball pictures: please see Mr. Danner! The yearbook needs pictures from this year’s Snowball! kd
Audition material for next year's fall play, Schoolhouse Rock Live: can be found on the fall play web page. Sign up for an audition time outside of Rm. 209. Auditions are the morning of May 23. Incoming freshmen through current juniors can audition. If you have any questions or need to schedule an audition before May 23, see Mrs. McCormick in Rm. 209. km
Happy birthday: to Joseph Schoolman.
Lunch: Today’s lunch is taco quesadillas, corn dog, tuna salad, green beans, sweet potatoes, chips, and assorted desserts. Soup for today is baked potato chowder. Breakfast for tomorrow is sausage egg and cheese biscuit.