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About UNKNOWN - 110066886356

Entity Number: 110066886356
Entity Name: UNKNOWN
Address: UNKNOWN
State: KS



Program(s):NPDES-KSR103630 NPDES ID : KSR103630 EPA ID : 110066886356 Facility Name : UNKNOWN Type :  Address : UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, KS, UNKNOWN Supplemental Address :  Impaired Waters :  Inspections   No Data :  Permits   Permits: 0    Activity ID : 3600414290    Facility Type : NON-POTW    Permit Type : GENERAL PERMIT COVERED FACILITY    Facility Designation : NON MAJOR OR MINOR DISCHARGER    Permit-Facility Status : TERMINATED-INACTIVE    Total Design Flow Number :     Average Flow Number :     State Water Body Code :     State Water Body :     Permit Name : USD 469 - LANSING PUBLIC SCHOOLS    Agency : STATE    Original Issue Date : 2006-09-01    Issue Date : 2006-09-01    Issuing Agency :     Effective Date : 2006-09-01    Expiration Date : 2006-12-31    Retirement Date :     Termination Date : 2009-09-11    Permit is on for Compliance Tracking : YES    RNC Tracking is On : YES    Master External Permit Number for a General Permit Covered Faci : KSR100000    Permit has received TMDL Info :     DMRs May Be Submitted Electronically : NO    Pretreatment Indicator :     Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) :  Permit Components   No Data :  Permanent Feature Coordinates   No Data :  Quarterly Non-Compliance Report   Year-Quarter: 2017-1    Historic Non-Compliance : UNDETERMINED QNCR STATUS - INSUFFICIENT DATA, OR PERMITEE IS A MINOR DISCHARGER NOT SUBJECT TO MANDATORY REPORTING    E90 Effluent Violations : 0    Compliance Schedule Violations : 0    Single Event Violations : 0    Permit Schedule Violations : 0   Year-Quarter: 2016-4    Historic Non-Compliance : UNDETERMINED QNCR STATUS - INSUFFICIENT DATA, OR PERMITEE IS A MINOR DISCHARGER NOT SUBJECT TO MANDATORY REPORTING    E90 Effluent Violations : 0    Compliance Schedule Violations : 0    Single Event Violations : 0    Permit Schedule Violations : 0   Year-Quarter: 2016-3    Historic Non-Compliance : UNDETERMINED QNCR STATUS - INSUFFICIENT DATA, OR PERMITEE IS A MINOR DISCHARGER NOT SUBJECT TO MANDATORY REPORTING    E90 Effluent Violations : 0    Compliance Schedule Violations : 0    Single Event Violations : 0    Permit Schedule Violations : 0   Year-Quarter: 2016-2    Historic Non-Compliance : UNDETERMINED QNCR STATUS - INSUFFICIENT DATA, OR PERMITEE IS A MINOR DISCHARGER NOT SUBJECT TO MANDATORY REPORTING    E90 Effluent Violations : 0    Compliance Schedule Violations : 0    Single Event Violations : 0    Permit Schedule Violations : 0   Year-Quarter: 2016-1    Historic Non-Compliance : UNDETERMINED QNCR STATUS - INSUFFICIENT DATA, OR PERMITEE IS A MINOR DISCHARGER NOT SUBJECT TO MANDATORY REPORTING    E90 Effluent Violations : 0    Compliance Schedule Violations : 0    Single Event Violations : 0    Permit Schedule Violations : 0   Year-Quarter: 2015-4    Historic Non-Compliance : UNDETERMINED QNCR STATUS - INSUFFICIENT DATA, OR PERMITEE IS A MINOR DISCHARGER NOT SUBJECT TO MANDATORY REPORTING    E90 Effluent Violations : 0    Compliance Schedule Violations : 0    Single Event Violations : 0    Permit Schedule Violations : Enforcement Actions-Informal   No Data :  Enforcement Actions-Formal   No Data :  Enforcement Violations   No Data :  Violations Compliance Schedule for RNC   No Data :  Violations Permit Single Event for RNC   No Data :  Violations Permit Schedule for RNC   No Data :  Violations Effluent-Latest 24 Violation Events   No Data :


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