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About iCARE-4-U

iCARE-4-U is a company that provides support and advocacy for patients and their loved ones. The healthcare industry is so complex that patients are at a disadvantage when making informed decisions about their care. I bring my 25 years of experience in Medicine & Radiology, network of physicians, & all of my resources to assist patients effectively. I interpret medicalese, communicate effectively & clearly, research issues and providers as needed, present options understandably. I can assist with referrals, finding the "best" doctor for your needs, assist in facilitating timely appointments, attend appointments with patients if desired, and I am readily available to my clients as a consultant on an hourly basis or by retainer. Uncompromising 24/7/365 availability, counseling and consultation, & I can review imaging studies as an added value to my services. I aim to be the person who assists you in any way you feel you need to support your medical and healthcare needs. I will not be your treating physician but your guide and aid during your medical journeys. I am able to tailor my services to your needs and desires. My warm compassionate and calming manner has served my patients well when I was in private practice radiology. It is through such dealings that I found that there is a great chasm between patients and their providers. My goal is to help you in any way that I can to give you back the control and understanding of your medical issues.
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Employee Count: 1
Keywords: hospital & health care



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